當每個幻覺堆疊在前一個幻覺之上地不斷增加,「人生」已變得越來越難以理解。人類發出了越來越多 無解的問題。如果這是真的,那麼為何會那樣?如果那是真的,那又為何會這樣?過不了多久,哲學家們和老師們也開始絕望地說:「我們不知道,而且,我們也不知道是否有可能知道。」
這個概念被引用在如此多的議題 上,以至它很快地散播開來,並且很快地變成了一種「最終的解答」 。
我們就是不知道。(We just don't know.)
很快地,人類社會的機構開始在其中不僅是找到了一個避難所,還獲有某種權力。「我們不知道」變成了「我們不應該知道」,後來又變成「你沒有必要知道」,最後變成了「你所不知道的不會傷害你」。(“We don't know” turned into “we are not supposed to know”, which became “you do not have a need to know”, which finally became “what you don't know won't hurt you”. )
這給了宗教和政府權威,去說他們選擇要說的,做他們高興做的, 而不需要對任何人交待。

的確是這樣 。
這個詢問的被禁將「無知」抬舉成了一種值得嚮往的特質。「不去詢問問題 」變成了是一種非常聰明,並且非常有禮貌的態度。它變成了一種可被接受的行為。 甚至沒錯,一種被期待的行為。
Increasingly, as each Illusion was piled upon the last, Life became more and more difficult to figure out. Humans asked more and more questions that could not be answered. If this was true, then why that? If that was true, then why this? It wasn't long before philosophers and teachers began throwing up their hands. "We don't know," they said, "and we don't know if it's possible to know."
Thus, the idea of Ignorance was born.
This idea served so many purposes that it spread quickly and soon became the ultimate answer.
We just don't know.
Human institutions began finding in this not only a refuge but a certain kind of power. "We don't know" turned into "we are not supposed to know," which became "you do not have a need to know," which finally became "what you don't know won't hurt you."
This gave religions and governments the authority to say what they chose, and act as they pleased, without having to answer to anyone.
"We are not supposed to know" actually became a religious doctrine. There are certain secrets of the Universe that God does not want us to know, this doctrine declared, and to even inquire about such things was blasphemy. This doctrine quickly spread from religion to politics and government.
The result: There was a time in your history when certain questions asked at certain times in certain ways could get one's head cut off.
This prohibition against inquiry elevated Ignorance to a desirable attribute. It became very wise and very good manners not to ask questions. It became accepted behavior. Indeed, expected behavior.