那麼,無論你到哪兒去,你都要讓人們清楚明白:你曾有的經驗,每個人都能有,而且許多人也都有過(everyone can have, and many have had)。你將讓世界明白:每個人一直都在「與神對話」,而問題不是「神在跟誰說話」,而是「有誰在傾聽」?
So the New Spirituality is not just a turning of the Conversations with God books into a "new religion". It is anything and everything BUT that. If that's what it was, I would tell you to burn those books and forget them forever.
These books have great value—but only as the individual experience of one human being. Taken in that context, their value is inestimable. Turned into the "official text" or the "sacred source" of some new form of spiritual expression, they could be dangerous. And so could you.
Neale: I have no intention of becoming dangerous.
Then you will make it clear wherever you go that the experience you have had, everyone can have, and many have had. You will cause the world to understand that everyone is having "Conversations with God" all the time, and that the question is not to whom does God talk? But who listens?