持續這個氣勢動能的關鍵在於你們的年輕一代。如果你們子孫的教育現在已包含有某些生命的原理(life principles),你們的物種便能夠在其演化中有能力向前飛躍(make the quantum leap forward)。

以觀念,而不是以學科(concepts, not academic subjects)來建構你們的學校教育,如:覺知(awareness)、誠實(honesty)、責任(responsibility)等核心觀念;以及像:透明、分享、自由、完全的自我表達(full self-expression)、頌揚喜悅的性(joyous sexual celebration)、人類連結(human bonding)和一體的多元性(diversity in oneness)等相關議題。
Many humans felt a shift when you moved into your new millennium.
This was a key point in the onset of a global shift of consciousness in which you are now playing your role.
The key to continuing this momentum lies with your young. If the education of your offspring now includes certain life principles, your species can make the quantum leap forward in its evolution of which it is capable.
Build your schools around concepts, not academic subjects: core concepts such as awareness, honesty, responsibility; subtopics such as transparency, sharing, freedom, full self-expression, joyous sexual celebration, human bonding, and diversity in oneness.
Teach your children these things, and you will have taught them grandly. Above all, teach them of the Illusion, and how—and why—to live with it, and not within it.