「教育」這個字的意思並非〝記進去〞,卻是〝導引出〞(The meaning of the word education is not "to put in", but "to draw out".) 。所有真正的教育都是:導引出本就已在學生裡面的東西。--摘自《與神合一》第11章
不要繼續讓孩子們的教育課程太累,捨棄落後的教育政策吧!希望各政治和政府的領導人共同正視此問題! 不妨參考:
·理解力(Understanding Power)
·和平解決衝突的方式(Peaceful Conflict Resolution)
·充滿愛的關係之構成因素(Elements of Loving Relationships)
·人格與自我創造(Personhood and Self Creation)
·身、心、靈如何運作(Body, Mind, Spirit: How They Function)
·如何從事創作(Engaging Creativity)
·歡慶自己,尊重他人(Celebrating Self, Valuing Others)
·性愛的歡悅表達(Joyous Sexual Expression)
·多樣性與相似性(Diversities and Similarities)
·倫理正道的經濟學(Ethical Economics)
·創造性的意識和心智的力量(Creative Consciousness and Mind Power)
·覺察與覺醒(Awareness and Wakefulness)
·誠實與承擔負責(Honesty and Responsibility)
·能見度與透明度(Visibility and Transparency)
·科學與靈性(Science and Spirituality)

摘自《與神對話 II 》第9章
Create the grandest version of the greatest vision you ever had about yourselves as a human race.
Then, take the values and concepts which undergird such a vision and teach them in your schools.
Why not courses such as…
• Understanding Power
• Peaceful Conflict Resolution
• Elements of Loving Relationships
• Personhood and Self Creation
• Body, Mind and Spirit: How They Function
• Engaging Creativity
• Celebrating Self, Valuing Others
• Joyous Sexual Expression
• Fairness
• Tolerance
• Diversities and Similarities
• Ethical Economics
• Creative Consciousness and Mind Power
• Awareness and Wakefulness
• Honesty and Responsibility
• Visibility and Transparency
• Science and Spirituality
Neale: Much of this is taught right now. We call it Social Studies.
I am not talking about a 2-day unit in a semester-long course. I am talking about separate courses on each of these things. I am talking about a complete revision of your schools' curricula. I am speaking of a values-based curriculum. You are now teaching what is largely a facts-based curriculum.
I am talking about focusing your children's attention as much on understanding the core concepts and the theoretical structures around which their value system may be constructed as you now do on dates and facts and statistics.