我會請他們注意,這些話語是在不同時空背景與情況之下所寫成的。我的觀察是:雖然這些教導是基於一套堅定的原則,但今日若只是按它們的字面意義來詮釋,而不去探究當時背景下它們背後所啓示的原意 ,小則會導致誤解,大則會失去原本蘊涵的內在智慧。

Neale: But I am curious. What would you say to people who assert that following the words of their Holy Scripture verbatim, and interpreting them literally, is the only way?
I would ask them to notice that these words were written at a different time and in a very different kind of place and circumstance. I would observe that, while these teachings were based on a firm set of principles, to now interpret their words literally, rather than seek to understand the underlying principle that they reveal, could lead, at the very least, to misunderstanding, and, in the worst case, to a loss of the original wisdom in which they were grounded.
I would invite humans to explore whether they might derive more benefit from the original teachings of all faith traditions if those teachings were contextualized within the framework of a continually evolving society.
Neale: In other words, remain open to the possibility of new interpretations that might allow us to better apply ancient wisdom to contemporary life.
Yet in the end I would say to people everywhere:
Believe as you wish, follow your heart and your soul where it leads you, but do not seek to impose your views on others—and certainly do not seek to do so by force.