
瀏覽人數 268
("Wrong" is a conceptualization of the mind, based in Relative Experience.)
你看出你們創造「對」與「錯」的觀念,僅是為了定義你們是誰(define Who You Are)了嗎?
摘自《與神對話 I 》第3章
You could tell them that people's ideas of "right" and "wrong" change—and have changed—over and over again from culture to culture, time period to time period, religion to religion, place to place… even from family to family and person to person. You could point out to them that what many people considered "right" at one time—burning people at the stake for what was considered witchcraft, as an example—is considered "wrong" today.
You could tell them that a definition of "right" and "wrong" is a definition established not only by time, but also by simple geography. You could allow them to notice that some activities on your planet (prostitution, for instance) are illegal in one place, and, just a few miles down the road, legal in another. And so, whether a person is judged as having done something "wrong" is not a matter of what that person has actually done, but of where he has done it.
"Wrong" is a conceptualization of the mind, based in Relative Experience.
Do you see how you have created your ideas of "right" and "wrong" simply to define Who You Are?
Do you see that without these definitions—boundaries— you are nothing?


你們創造了分離的幻覺,為的是要 「 體驗一體的實相 」。只有當你跨出實相時,你才能經驗它。當你是「整體」的 一部分時,你是無法體驗自己為那整體的,因為並沒有別的東西。而當 「 你不是」 的東西不在時, 「 你所是」 的東西也並不是... 更多
尼爾:在我決定「我不是誰」,並且在我將自己由「我是我的過去」的想法中解放出來之後,我又如何發現「我是誰」呢?那並非一個發現的過程,而是個「創造」的過程。... 更多