生活中「脫離心智」的好處:【「白色的比喻」the White Parable】-2/2 篇

由於思考即是創造,你會停止創造你的實相,因為頭腦心智必須有資料才能創造。你們稱自己的心智創造為結論,而當它無法得出任何結論時,你會離開它——你會「脫離你的心智」(out of your mind)。

這正是問題所在,問題就在這裡!你一向以頭腦在思考。試試看偶爾不去想!試試看只是 being (Try simply being. 試著處在心智以外的範疇)。
當你只是與一個問題「同在」 ( just “be” with a problem )而非持續思考它時,才是最偉大洞見進來的時候。那是因為思考是一種「創作的過程」,而 being 是個「覺知的狀態」。

我沒說他發瘋( crazy ),是你說的。我說他離開了他的頭腦心智。他停止創造他的實相。因為他毫無資料。
Neale: But wouldn't my mind figure out what was going on if I was placed alone in that white room? Wouldn't it say, "Hey, I'm in a white room, that's all. Relax and enjoy it"?
It would at first, of course. But soon, in the absence of any more incoming data, it would not know what to think. Ultimately, the whiteness, the emptiness, the nothingness, the aloneness would get to it.
Do you know one of the greatest punishments your own world has devised?
Neale: Solitary confinement.
Exactly. You cannot stand being alone for extended periods.
Neale: In the most inhumane prisons, there is not even light in solitary. The door is closed, and you are in utter darkness. Nothing to read, nothing to do, nothing else at all.
Since thinking is creating, you would stop creating your reality, because your mind must have data in order to create. You call your mind's creations conclusions, and when it could not come to any conclusions, you would leave it—you would go "out of your mind."
And yet, leaving your mind is not always bad. You do it in all your moments of great insight.
Neale: Uh, come again?
You don't believe that insight comes from your mind, do you?
Neale: Well, I've always thought...
That's been the problem, right there! You've always thought. Try notthinking once in a while! Try simply being.
It is when you just "be" with a problem, rather than keep thinking about it, that the greatest insight comes. That's because thinking is a creative process, and being is a state of awareness.
Neale: I don't quite understand. Help me understand. I thought not being able to think was the problem. The guy in the white room goes crazy.
I didn't say he goes crazy. You said that. I said he leaves his mind. He stops creating his reality, because he has no data.
Now, if he stopped creating his reality for an extended period, that would be one thing. But what if he did this for only a moment? For a brief period? Would such a "time out" help him…