這是《與神對話 三部曲》最後總結時,神提出的重要觀念之一:
宇宙僅是提供你們一個 ( 相對性) 經驗場——可稱之為客觀現象場域。由你們決定如何去標示它們。
為了讓你能夠體驗「你可選擇去體驗」的實相,與之相反的情境脈絡並非必須存在於你身邊,你才能體驗它。 (It is not necessary for an opposite condition to exist right next to you in order to provide a contextual field within which the reality that you choose may be experienced.)

如果你不想要某個經驗,你並不需要再去經驗它。要喚起和運用宇宙的相對法則(universal law of relativity),你所需要的只是記得它們(remember them)——知道它們存在(know that they exist)你的覺知中——即可運用。
摘自《與神對話 III 》第21章
The universe merely provides you with a field of experience—what might be called a range of objective phenomena. You decide what to label them.
The universe is a whole system of such physical phenomena. And the universe is enormous. Vast. Unfathomably huge. Endless, in fact.
Now here is a great secret:
It is not necessary for an opposite condition to exist right next to you in order to provide a contextual field within which the reality that you choose may be experienced.
The distance between contrasts is irrelevant.
You do not have to experience them again if you don't want to. You need merely remember them—know that they exist—in order to invoke the universal law of relativity.