我要再次對你們說:生命是個循環的迴圈,在其中的每樣事物也都一樣 (Life is a cycle, as is everything in it.)。這循環不斷地來回。合在一起,分開,結合在一起,分開。
即使當一個東西是分開的時候,它也永遠是在一起的,因為它無法真的分開,而只是變得更大了。所以,即使當一個東西看起來是分開的(apart)時,它仍是一體的一部分(a part),那意謂著它根本不是分開的。
If you are united with something for a longtime, you will at some point cease to notice that there is a "you" at all. The idea of "you" as a separate entity will gradually disappear.
People who have been together for a very long time often experience this. They begin to lose their individual identity. This is one-derfuI—to a point. Yet the wonder of it disappears when the Unity is experienced without end, because Unity in the absence of Disunity is nothing. It is not experienced as ecstasy but as a void. In the absence of any separation, ever Oneness is noneness.
That is why I have inspired it to be written: Let there be spaces in your togetherness. Drink from a full cup but not from the same cup. The pillars that support a structure stand apart, and the strings of the lute are separate, though they quiver with the same music.
All of life is a process of experiencing Unity and separation, Unity and separation. This is the very rhythm of life. Indeed, this is the rhythm that creates Life Itself.
I say to you again: Life is a cycle, as is everything in it. The cycle is to and fro, to and fro. Together apart. Together, apart.
Even when a thing is apart, it is always together for it cannot truly separate, but only get larger. Therefore, even when a thing appears to be apart, it is still a part, which means it is not apart at all.