
瀏覽人數 287
如果下結論說,分離 是一個「壞想法」,那它就無法對你們的目的有幫助 (serve your purpose)。事實上,分離的想法其實是個有福的想法,它讓「 整體」得以 認識到它是其部分之總和,甚至還更多。而當你利用這幻覺做為一個 創造經驗的工具時,它對達成你們的目的有極大的幫助。
可是當你忘了分離是一個幻覺,而把它想像成事情的真實狀態時那幻覺就不再是「 創造」經驗,它「變成了」經驗 (The illusion no longer create experience, it becomes experience.)
「 設計」 變成了 「經驗 」(The device becomes the experience.)
It would be inaccurate to conclude that the idea of Disunity was a "bad idea," that it did not serve your purpose. Indeed, the idea of separation was a blessed idea, allowing The Whole  to understand that it was the sum of its parts, and even greater still. The illusion serves your purpose magnificently when you use the illusion as a tool to create experience.
When you forget that separation is an illusion, you imagine that it is the real state of things. The illusion no longer creates experience, it becomes experience.
It is like feigning anger to make someone else more solicitous, and then actually becoming angry. Or feigning interest in someone in order to make someone else jealous, only to find that the illusion of interest has become very real indeed . . .
The device becomes the experience.
By this process you have come to actually believe that you are separate; that Disunity is possible in the unified field you call the Universe.


人類推論說:如果受造物與造物主是分離的,而如果造物主容許受造物為所欲為,那麼受造物就有可能去做一些造物主不想要他們去做的事。而在這種情況下, 造物主的意願(the Will of... 更多
在創造的當下,你就在實現你的人生。因為創造是「你們如何成長與演化」的方式,而這正是,你與一切萬物在地球上要做的事。... 更多
如果你與某樣東西結合在一起很長的時間,在某些時候,你根本就不會注意到還有一個「你」。「你」是個分別的存在體的觀念,會逐漸消失。... 更多