聽神談【重新定義「富裕」】Redefine Wealth :3/4篇
並非每個人都需要「擁有」屬於自己的吸塵器,他們需要的只是對它的 「使用」。
許多人付巨額款項去擁有和持有(own and hold)東西,但在他們擁有它時,又有大半時間沒有在使用它。

And the answer would be, redefine "wealth" as access and availability. Shift from a "possessions-and-power" economy to a "use-and-cooperation" economy.
Not everyone needs their own vacuum cleaner. They simply need the use of one.
Right now many humans are paying an enormous amount of money to own and hold things, most of which they use a tiny fraction of the time that they own it.
Well, in the consumer-oriented society of the Western world, everyone is trained to think that they have to have their "own personal copy" of everything. But in some of the less "wealthy" regions of the world—read that, two-thirds of the world— yes, in two-thirds of the world, four families would be grateful beyond measure to be able to have the use of one vacuum cleaner between them, or one washing machine, or one car.
The world could change overnight if humanity simply changed its definition of wealth from "possession and power" to "use and cooperation."