
瀏覽人數 307
「譴責、定罪」的幻覺也即宣告說,你和神是可能受傷害的。然而事實上,相反才是真的,但是如果沒有任何的其他實相在場時,你是無法知道或體驗這真相的。因此,你們創造了一個替代的實相(alternate reality):傷害是可能的,而定罪就是它的證據
再重複一次:你或神可被損害的想法是個幻覺(the idea that you, or God, can be damaged is an illusion)。如果神是一切中的一切(事實上我是),如果神是最具力量的(我是的)、如果神是至高無上的存在(我是的),那麼神是不可能受傷或受損的。如果你是以神的形象和模樣造出來的(而你是的),那麼,你也不可能受傷或受損了。
The Seventh Illusion, the Illusion of Condemnation, may be used to experience the fact that you are deserving of nothing but praise. This is something that you cannot fathom, for you  live so deeply within your Illusion of Condemnation. If, however, you lived within the heart of praise every moment, you could not experience it. Praise would mean nothing to you. You would not know what it was.
The glory of praise is lost when praise is all there is. Yet you have taken this awareness to an extreme, taking the illusion of imperfection and Condemnation to new levels, where you now actually believe praise to be wrong—especially self-praise. You are not to praise yourself, or to notice (much less announce) the glory of Who You Are. And you must be sparing in your praise of others. Praise, you have concluded, is not good.
The Illusion of Condemnation is also your announcement that you, and God, can be damaged. Exactly the opposite is true, of course, but you cannot know this truth, nor experience it, in the absence of any other reality. And so, you have created an alternate reality in which damage is possible, and Condemnation is proof of it.
To repeat, the idea that you, or God, can be damaged is an illusion. If God is the All In All (and I am), and if God is the Most Powerful (and I am), and if God is the Supreme Being (it is true), then God is incapable of being hurt or damaged. And if you are made in the image and likeness of God (and you are), then you cannot be hurt or damaged either.


要明白你是你自己的最高權威(you are your own highest authority)。不要將你的權威源頭放在你的外面,而是走向自己的內心去看見「... 更多
利用幻覺的方法是「明白它是個幻覺」,而明白它是個幻覺的方法是去「利用幻覺」。這過程是循環的,就像生命本身。它是從你「否認幻覺與現實有任何關係」開始。... 更多
因為死亡的存在排除了一種「生命是永恆的」的可能性,所以你們決定認為:在肉身死亡後,生命必定還會永遠持續下去。但是如果在肉身死亡後,生命永遠持續下去,那麼「... 更多