
瀏覽人數 1909
一旦你離開了你的身體(即一旦你「死了」),你將立刻覺悟到,這種死亡的存在狀態(state of being)並非你們所聽到的那種令人可怕的經驗,而事實上,是一種榮耀神奇的經驗。你也將明白,不論你對你最近的形象曾創造出什麼樣的依戀,比起緊縛在你肉體上,死亡都會是你無限嚮往的。那時,「超脫」將是一件很容易的事。
Once you are away from your body (that is, once you have "died"), you will realize immediately that this state of being is not the dreaded experience of which you have heard, and is, in fact, an experience of glorious wonder. You will see, too, that it is  infinitely preferable to being tied to your physical form, whatever attachments your most recent form may have created. Detachment will then be a simple matter.
Yet you can master Life while in your physical form, and do not have to wait until you are removed from it to know the glory of life, and of Who You Are. You can do this by achieving detachment before you die. And you can achieve this through the simple expediency of stepping away from the Illusion of Need.
This stepping away is accomplished through a deeper comprehension of both life and death, including the knowledge that death as you have conceived of it does not exist, and that Life goes on forever. When you understand this, it becomes possible to detach from anything in Life—including Life Itself—because you know, given that life goes on forever, that you may have those attachments again, as well as others that you might have thought you would nevermore experience.


當你理解,每個刹那都是一個死亡時,你會更高超巧妙地找到和創造平靜。每個瞬間都是個過去的你的一個死亡,而每個瞬間也是你現在正選擇成為的新生命之開始。在每個瞬間,... 更多
這裡有一個偉大的秘密:愛並不是「被某種狀況產生出來」的結果。某種狀況之所以被創造出來,是「因為有愛」而產生的結果。... 更多