
聽神談【「我是我所是」(I AM THAT I AM.)的意思】
真相(Truth)只不過是表示「現在的實實情況是什麼」(“what is so right now”)的一個字眼。然而,真實的情況(what is so)永遠在改變,所以,真相永遠在變。
人生的過程,事實上,就是改變。減縮到一個字,生命即改變(life is change)。
神即生命。所以,神即改變。(God is Life. Therefore, God is Change.)
神是個過程。不是個存在體,而是個過程。(God is a process. Not a being, but a process.)
那「在變成為的」(That Which Becomes)並不需要特別條件才能變成為。生命就單純地成為它成為的,而你們為了要定義它、描寫它、量化它、測量它,並且試圖控制它,你們就將某些條件歸諸於它。
「我是我所是」。(I AM THAT I AM.)

Truth is nothing more than a word meaning "what is so right now." Yet what is so is always changing. Therefore, truth is always changing.
Your world has shown you this. Your life has demonstrated this to you.
The process of Life is, in fact, change. Reduced to one word, life is change.
God Is Life. Therefore, God Is Change.
In one word, God Is Change.
God is a process. Not a being, but a process.
And that process is called change.
Some of you might prefer the word evolution.
God is the energy that evolves . . . or, That Which Becomes.
That Which Becomes needs no special condition in order to become. Life simply becomes what it becomes, and in order for you to define it, describe it, quantify it, measure it, and try to control it, you ascribe certain conditions to it.
Yet Life has no conditions. it simply is. Life is what it is.
You may now fully understand this ancient enigmatic statement for the first time.
When you know that conditions must appear to exist in order for you to experience non- conditionality (that is, in order for you to know God), you will bless the conditions of your life, and every condition that you have ever experienced. These conditions have allowed you to experience that you are larger than any of them. Larger than all of them combined. Your life has shown you this.