以下是你們如何能踏出這「不足的幻覺」的方法:去把你所看到的不足補足,不論你在你自己之外的任何地方看見它時 (Fill the insufficiency that you see, wherever you see it outside of yourself.)。因為這正是幻覺存在的地方:在你自身之外。所以,如果你在自身之外看見不足時,就去填滿那不足。

別尋求成為任何東西的收受者,要成為其源頭 (Seek not to be the recipient of anything but to be the source.)。你希望擁有的東西,讓別人擁有。你想去經驗的東西,讓別人去經驗。當你這樣做時,你會因而憶起你一直都是擁有這些東西的。
這就是為什麼有人說「去對別人做『你想要別人對你做出』的事」(“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”) 的緣由。
Here's how you can step outside of the Illusion of Insufficiency: Fill the insufficiency that you see, wherever you see it outside of yourself. For this is where the Illusion lies: outside of yourself. If, then, you see insufficiency outside of yourself, fill the insufficiency.
If you see people who are hungry, feed them. If you see people who need clothing, clothe them. If you see people who need shelter, give them shelter. You will then experience that you have no insufficiencies at all.
However little of anything you have, you can always find someone who has less. Find that someone, and give to them from the abundance that is yours.
Seek not to be the recipient of anything but to be the source. That which you wish to have, cause another to have. That which you would seek to experience, cause another to experience. In so doing, you will remember that you have had these things in your possession all along.
This is why it has been said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."