教導孩子們:恐懼和罪惡感是人類唯一的敵人,愛是一切唯一的真相(Fear and guilt are the only enemies of humans, Love is all there really is.),而神永遠、永遠不會懲罰他們。
教導孩子們:永遠不要害怕失敗,神的國度並沒有失敗存在。只有努力 (effort) 存在,而努力才是最重要的,只有努力才是重點,因為每個努力導向一個推動生命本身向前的結果───向生命所渴望的方向前進。
教導孩子們:他們與神是一體的,他們可以在每天的生活裡,如「神會採取的行動那般」地行動 (act as God would act) ,如「神所處所是那樣」地所處所是 (be as God would be)。
Tomorrow's God will teach children that fear and guilt are the only enemies of humans, that Love is all there really is, and that God is never, ever, going to punish them.
Tomorrow's God will teach children never to be afraid to fail, because failure does not exist in God's kingdom. Only effort exists, and effort is all that matters and all that counts, because every effort leads to an outcome that moves Life Itself forward—and forward is where Life yearns to go.
Tomorrow's God will teach children that there is no insufficiency, but that there is enough. There is enough of all the things that humans think they need to survive and to be happy, and so, children do not have to continually strive to be the best or the fastest or the smartest, and they do not have to enter into ruthless competitions and make others wrong and push others out of the way in order to be one of the "winners" and avoid being one of the "losers" in Life.
Tomorrow's God will teach children that there are no losers, only those who have lost their way. And Tomorrow's God will teach children that no one will ever lose their way forever, but that all will one day find their way back home, back to love, back to the heart of God—and that what they might want to do for those who have lost their way is not laugh or judge or con- demn, but extend a helping hand and show them a way back home.
Tomorrow's God will teach children that they are one with God, and that they can act as God would act and be as God would be in the day-to-day living of their lives.
And Tomorrow's God will give parents the tools with which to teach that.
Those tools will be the messages of the New Spirituality.