聽神談【「教育」Education 與「教導」Teaching】
你們世界的改造將取決於你們的憶起(remembering)。「教育」這個字的意思並非「記進去」,卻是「導引出」(The meaning of the world education is not "to put in", but "to draw out".)。所有真正的教育都是:導引出本就已在學生裡面的東西。(All true education is the drawing out from the student of what is already there.)
教導從來都不是幫助別人學習,而是幫助他們「憶起」。(Teaching is never about helping others to learn but about helping them to remember.)

所有的學習都是「憶起」。所有的教導都是「提醒」(All learning is remembering. All teaching is reminding.)。所有的學習課程都是重溫(recaptured)的記憶。
The transformation of your world will depend on your remembering. The meaning of the word education is not "to put in," but "to draw out." All true education is the drawing out from the student of what is already there.
The Master knows that it is already there and has no need, therefore, to place it there. The Master simply endeavors to cause the student to notice that it is there.
Teaching is never about helping others to learn but about helping them to remember.
All learning is remembering. All teaching is reminding. All lessons are memories, recaptured.
It is impossible to teach something new, for there is nothing new to teach. Everything that ever was, is now, and ever shall be, is, right now.