摘自《與神對話之新啟示》第 18章
Neale: Many people believe them still. Basically, the idea is that women are simply not equal to men. But how could our well- meaning religions come to such a conclusion if this is not a Direct Teaching from God?
My friend, it is not simply discrimination against women that your holy writings have said is a direct teaching from God. Your organized religions have also taught, at one time or another, that God's Laws forbid people of differing races to marry, that people of the same gender may not physically demonstrate their love for each other, and even that blacks may not be priests.
Their justification stems from the Fourth Fallacy About Life, which states that some human beings are better than other human beings.
It is this fallacy that allows your societies to follow in the footsteps of organized religions and practice discrimination of all kinds.
If you are to produce a society of New Humans who understand that neither race nor gender nor nationality nor religious persuasion nor sexual orientation nor any other aspect of a person's individuality should disqualify that person from participating fully in the human experience at the highest level and in whatever way he or she chooses, so long as that choice does not impinge upon the rights or safety of others.