
你們與神是平等的(You are equal to God),而這份「與神的平等」正是你們渴望經驗的事。你並不劣於神,或劣於任何的東西,然而在一個沒有東西是優越的脈絡裡,你無法知道或經驗沒有東西是低劣的。所以,你們創造了優越的幻覺,以讓你們能知道你們與每樣東西是平等的——亦即,你不比任何東西優越。
在一個「沒有一體或神性是可能的」的脈絡場之外,你無法經驗到你與神的一體。你必須在那脈絡內,或在我們這裡所說的「幻覺」內,以便能了解幻覺之外所存在的真理。你必須「身在此世卻不屬於此世」。(You must be“in this world but not of it.”)
A thing cannot be "unequal" to itself. If you take a thing and divide it into parts, the parts equal the whole. They are not less than the whole, simply because they have been taken apart.
Yet the illusion of inequality allows each of the parts to notice itself as the part that it is, rather than seeing itself as the whole. You cannot see yourselves as a part unless you see yourselves as apart. Do you understand? You cannot conceive of yourself as a part of God unless you imagine yourself to be apart from God.
Put another way, you cannot see Me unless you stand back and look at Me. Yet you cannot stand back and look at Me if you think that you are Me. So you must imagine that you are not Me, in order to experience Me.
You are equal to God, and this equality with God is something that you yearn to experience. You are not inferior to God, nor to anything at all, yet you cannot know or experience lack of inferiority in a context where nothing is superior. You have therefore created the Illusion of Superiority, that you might know that you are equal to everything—which is to say that you are superior to nothing.
Your oneness with God cannot be experienced outside of a context in which lack of oneness, or Disunity, is possible.
You must be within that context, or what we have here called the illusion, in order to know the truth that exists outside of the illusion. You must be "in this world but not of it."
Likewise, your equality with God, and with everything and everyone in life, is not "experienceable" unless and until you can understand inequality.
It is for this reason that you have created the Illusion of Superiority.