神說「人類是從幻覺裡面在觀看幻覺(looking at the illusion from within the illusion),而我們所得到的每一個結論都是建立在幻覺之上,每個結論都是個幻覺(every conclusion is an illusion)」,如果這是真實的話,我如何能在真實的日常生活中試著去體會這點?到底我生命的終極真相(ultimate truth)是個何種意識層次的世界?

當面對任何「幻覺」時,可立刻做出「終極真相的三個聲明」(the three statements of ultimate truth):
1.) 在我的世界裡,沒有任何事物是真的。(Nothing in my world is real.)
2.) 每一件事物的意義,都是我賦予它的意義。(The meaning of everything is the meaning I give it.)
3.) 我是「我說我是」的誰,而我的經驗是「我說它是」的東西。(I am who I say I am, and my experience is what I say it is.)
藉此,你將有意識地利用幻覺,「利用幻覺」的過程有三部分 :
1. 視幻覺為幻覺。(See the illusions as illusions.)
2. 決定它的意義是什麼。(Decide what they mean.)
3. 重新創造一個嶄新的自己。(Re-create yourself anew.)
The three statements of ultimate truth:
1.Nothing in my world is real.
2.The meaning of everything is the meaning I give it
3.I am who I say I am, and my experience is what I say it is
Here is that process in brief:
See the Illusions asIllusions.
2.Decide what they mean.
3.Re-create yourself anew.