- 神從來沒有停止過和人類直接溝通。自太古以來,神便一直和人類,也經由人類直接溝通。今日,神仍是如此。
- 每個人都和所有曾經活過、現正活著、或將會活著的人一樣特別。你們全都是信使,你們每一位。你們無時無刻都帶著「關於生命」的訊息,在每天、每時、每刻的生活裡。
- 沒有任何通往神的道路比其他的道路更直接。沒有任何宗教是「唯一真正的宗教」,沒有任何人民是「神的選民」,沒有哪一位預言者是「最偉大的預言者」。
- 神什麼東西都不需要。神不會要求得到某些東西才快樂,神本身即是快樂的源頭,因此,神不會向任何人要求任何東西,或要求宇宙中的任何事物。
- 神並非住在宇宙中或宇宙外某處的超級存在體,有著和人類同樣的情感需求,也有和人類一樣的情緒動盪。既然是神,祂在任何情況下以任何方式都無法被傷害或受損,因此,祂無需尋求報復或施以懲罰。
- 所有的一切都是一體的。只有一體存在,而所有的一切都是「萬有一體」的一部分。
- 沒有所謂的「對」與「錯」,只有依照你想要成為(be)、達到(do)和擁有(have)的是什麼,來判定什麼是「行得通」與「行不通」。
- 你並非你的肉身。真正的你是無限且永恆的。
- 你們不會死亡,也不會被定罪而落入永遠的毀滅。
Take, now, my New Revelations, and place them firmly into your mind, deeply into your heart, and permanently into your soul.
These words I leave with you, these gifts I give to you. They can change your world forever.
1. God has never stopped communicating directly with human beings. God has been communicating with and through human beings from the beginning of time. God does so today.
2. Every human being is as special as every other human being who has ever lived, lives now, or ever will live. You are all messengers. Every one of you. You are carrying a message to life about life every day. Every hour. Every moment.
3. No path to God is more direct than any other path. No religion is the "one true religion," no people are "the chosen people," and no prophet is the "greatest prophet."
4. God needs nothing. God requires nothing in order to be happy. God is happiness itself. Therefore, God requires nothing of anyone or anything in the universe.
5. God is not a singular Super Being, living somewhere in the Universe or outside of it, having the same emotional needs and subject to the same emotional turmoil as humans. That Which Is God cannot be hurt or damaged in any way, and so, has no need to seek revenge or impose punishment.
6. All things are One Thing. There is only One Thing, and all things are part of the One Thing That Is.
7. There is no such thing as Right and Wrong. There is only What Works and What Does Not Work, depending upon what it is that you seek to be, do, or have.
8. You are not your body. Who you are is limitless and without end.
9. You cannot die, and you will never be condemned to eternal damnation.
These statements are true. These revelations are real. They can be used, if you choose, as one basis for a New Spirituality.