永遠記住:你的神聖源頭就位於一個地方───只在一個地方:在你之內。(Your Holy Source lies in one place, and one place only: within You)。摘自《重新定義神》第16章

如果你把馬車放置在馬的前方——如同大多數的宗教要你做的——並且在承認你自己為神聖的之前,就先承認別人為神聖的,有一天你會對它懊悔憤恨。如果有一事是你們無法忍受的, 那就是有人比你更神聖。然而,你們的宗教卻強迫你們稱別人比你們神聖。因而,你照做了一段時日,然後你詆毀他們。

因此我告訴你們這點:現在並且永遠以你自己為中心(be now and forever centered upon your Self,地去覺察、去愛、去 being)。在任何一刻好好察看你所being(處於)、doing(從事)、having(擁有)的是什麼,而非別人怎麼搞的、在做什麼。
你的救贖並非在別人的行為(action)中,只會在你的反應(re-action)中被你覺察發現。(It is not in the action of another, but in your re-action, that your salvation will be found.)
摘自《與神對話 I》第8章
You must first see your Self as worthy before you can see another as worthy. You must first see your Self as blessed before you can see another as blessed. You must first know your Self to be holy before you can acknowledge holiness in another.
If you put the cart before the horse—as most religions ask you to do— and acknowledge another as holy before you acknowledge yourself, you will one day resent it. If there is one thing none of you can tolerate, it is someone being holier than thou. Yet your religions force you to call others holier than thou. And so you do it—for a while. Then you crucify them.
You have crucified (in one way or another) all of My teachers, not just One. And you did so not because they were holier than thou, but because you made them out to be.
My teachers have all come with the same message. Not "I am holier than thou," but "You are as holy as am I."
This is the message you have not been able to hear; this is the truth you have not been able to accept. And that is why you can never truly, purely, fall in love with another. You have never truly, purely fallen in love with your Self.
And so I tell you this: be now and forever centered upon your Self. Look to see what you are being, doing, and having in any given moment, not what's going on with another.
It is not in the action of another, but in your re-action, that your salvation will be found.