
這即是我說的母體網絡(Matrix) 。就是透過這網絡,你們互送訊息——消息、含意、治療與其他實質的感應——有時由個體但大部分是由集體意識所產生的。
這些無以數計的能量,如我前面已解釋,互相吸引。這稱為「吸引力法則」 (This is called the Law of Attraction.)。依此定律法則,同類(being相同頻率或意識層次)相吸。
摘自《與神對話 II》第5章
This… dance that I've just described, this energy interaction I've explained, is occurring all the time—in and with everything.
Your energy—beamed from you like a Golden Light—is interacting constantly with everything and everyone else. The closer you are, the more intense the energy. The further away, the more subtle. Yet you are never totally disconnected from anything.
There is a point between You and every other person, place, or thing which exists. It is here that two energies meet, forming a third, much less dense, but no less real, energy unit.
Everyone and everything on the planet—and in the universe—is emitting energy in every direction. This energy mixes with all other energies, criss-crossing in patterns of complexity beyond the ability of your most powerful computers to analyze.
The criss-crossing, intermingling, intertwining energies racing between everything that you can call physical is what holds physicality together.
This is the Matrix, of which I have spoken. It is along this Matrix that you send signals to each other—messages, meanings healings, and other physical effects—created sometimes by individuals but mostly by mass consciousness.
These innumerable energies are, as I have explained, attracted to each other. This is called the Law of Attraction. In this Law, Like attracts Like.