
如果你認為你就是你的身體,那你所體驗的生命就會是一種「身體的表現」。當你了解你是你的靈魂時,那你所體驗的生命就會是一種「靈魂的表現」。當你承認你的靈魂與神的靈魂是一體時,那麼你就會體驗到生命為一種「一體的靈魂」 (One Spirit)的表現。
For the words here to be made flesh—for them to become more than mere sounds but physical reality in your physical world—you must pay attention to the part of your self that is physical in the world.
Your communion with God, your meeting with the creator within, begins with knowing your physical body, understanding your physical body, honoring your physical body, and using your physical body as a vehicle that is meant to serve you.
In order to do this, you must first understand that you are not your physical body. You are that which controls your body, lives with your body, and acts in the physical world through your body. But you are not the body itself.
If you imagine that you are your body, you will experience Life as an expression of the body. When you understand that you are your soul, then you will experience Life as an expression of the soul. When you acknowledge that your soul and God's are one, then you will experience Life as an expression of the One Spirit.
This will change everything.
To know your body, to understand your body, to experience your body in its fullest magnificence, seek to be with your body in a quality way. Love it, care for it, listen to it. It will tell you what is true.