
Know that what you are seeking to do in this life is to express and experience the grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are.
If you do not experience that at a conscious level, if that is not what you seem to yourself to be trying to do, then nothing in the communication I am sending you now will apply.
Very little of it will make any sense.
If you are aware at a conscious level that this is what you have come to this life to do, it might seem, reading this communication, as if you are talking to yourself.
Which is exactly what you are doing.
So it will be no surprise that exercising the body is suggested. And a diet that serves your intention, as well. You will know exactly what that diet is, and even as you approach various foods, if you listen to your body, you will know instantly whether it serves you to ingest them.
You can come to this knowing by simply moving your hand slowly over the food. Your body will know at once all you need to know about whether that food is in harmony with your innermost intentions for the body and the soul. You will be able to pick up the vibration. You do not need to read diet books, you do not need to take courses, you do not need to seek outside counsel or advice.
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你的身體是個了不起的工具,一個高度靈敏的能量接收器。信不信由你,你可以將你的手放在一排自助餐的食物上方六英吋(6 inches)的位置掃過去,不必接觸它,而立刻感覺出它(吃哪一道食物)對你的身體有沒有幫助。

Your body is a magnificent instrument of highly sensitive energy receptors. Believe it or not, you can run your hand six inches over the food in a buffet line and, without touching it, feel whether it is of benefit to you to eat that right now.
You can do the same thing with clothing that you are picking out of a closet to wear for the day, or that you are thinking of buying in a store.
When you are with another person, if you will stop listening to what you are thinking and begin listening to what you are feeling, the quality of your communication with that person will skyrocket--as will the quality of the relationship itself.