
瀏覽人數 19
我創造生命並不是來「逐行我的意思」。我創造生命是爲了「讓你們逐行你們的意願(I did not create life to “get my way”. I created life to let you get yours.)。藉由這過程,我的確逐行我所願,因爲我選擇的是:讓你們去决定你們是誰和你們是什麽,以及你們所希望是誰和是什麽——在個人社會兩方面都是如此。
他們說他們想去西雅圖(Seattle ,美國西北部大城市),却朝聖荷西(San Jose,美國加州南部城市,在西雅圖之南)走。他們說他們想要一個和平、和諧與愛的世界,他們希望他們的一生充滿了喜悅、快樂與富足,但他們却做出打擊和平、和諧與愛的每一件事,而讓他們實際上不可能體驗到喜悅、快樂與富足。
摘自《與神對話 青春版》第5章
Neale: What's it like to see your children sit around and destroy (or take for granted) everything you have given us?
If I had an investment in outcomes, you would think it would be depressing, but I have no investment in the outcome of the adven- ture we are taking together. There is no one way that I "need" things to "be." 
If there was a way that I really wanted things, do you suppose that I could not have them that way? What kind of a God would I be if I couldn't? 
I did not create life to "get my way." I created life to let you get yours. By this process I DO get my way, because what I choose is for you to decide who and what you are, and who and what you wish to be—both as individuals and as a society. 
What I observe is that many humans "sit around and destroy" (or take for granted) much of what they have, and that this does not serve them. It does not allow them to experience what they say they wish to experience. 
They are saying that they want to go to Seattle, but they are heading for San Jose. They are saying that they want a world of peace, harmony, and love, and that they wish their lives to be filled with joy, happiness, and abundance, but they are doing everything that works against peace, harmony, and love, and making it virtually impossible to experience joy, happiness, and abundance. 
Interestingly, this is not because they do not know how. Humans have been given all the tools with which to create the life of their highest dreams. They simply choose not to use them.  
Neale: Why?
Because they do not believe that these tools work, or because they do not even remember that they have them…


人類所謂「真正一成不變、客觀標準的道德」並不存在。任何進化中的社會也不可能如此,因爲,進化的本質即是變化。... 更多
整部「與神對話信息」可以說是一部:神提供給人類的「生命教育」。就此而言,「生命」包括了:我們的「人生」、「死後生命」和「生活」的所有層面。而「生活... 更多
生命就是覺醒的過程。生命是個漸進成為的過程。它是個明白自己已變成為「自己一直都是的那個人」的過程。它是重新加入那不可分離的東西之過程,而那並非一個實際加入的過程,卻只是再次明白,分離根本從未發生過。... 更多