
在你體驗「你是誰」的過程裡,當你差不多要做出巨大的突破時,生命會將你放置在「爛選擇」的點上。(Life places you at the point of "rotten choices" when you are about to make an enormous break-through in your experience of Who You Are.)
「那情境的創造」與「是否選擇面對那困境的契機」永遠是來自你的靈魂、經由你心智到你身體的一個宣佈:是該為你的整個生命 「躍入更高選擇」 的時候了 (it is Jump Time for the totality of your being)。
尼爾:所以說,關係最終的基本目的是為了「演化」 (the bottom-line purpose of relationship is to evolve)。
當然是。這就是我先前為什麼問你,你是否認為一個關係「行不通」是因為它不能持久嗎?而我說:「要看它的目的是什麼。」你又問:「那麼,關係的目的是什麼? 」現在,在此,你已經回答了你自己的問題。

演化是一切事物最終的基本目的(Evolution is the bottom-line purpose of everything.)。再也沒有任何一種比「透過你與另一人的外在關係」更快的演化方法了。
神聖關係(Holy relationship)是你的內在遇見另一人的外在,以及另一人的內在遇見你的外在的地方。並且,在最美好的時刻,兩者的外在都被兩者的內在融化,容許他們的內在相遇,覺醒到他們是「同源並且一體」的覺知,並去經驗那覺知。

Life places you at the point of "rotten choices" when you are about to make an enormous breakthrough in your experience of Who You Are.
Always remember that.
The creation and the facing of tough choices is always an announcement from your soul to your mind through your body that it is Jump Time for the totality of your being.
The truth is, your choices in moments such as these are not "rotten," they are simply critical. You bring yourself to such Critical Choice Points perhaps six or seven times a life. You can count them on both hands.
Welcome these Critical Choice Points, do not shrink from them. They offer you rare and breathtaking opportunities to leap forward in your evolu- tion. They are always among life's greatest blessings.
Neale: So the bottom-line purpose of relationship is to evolve.
Of course. That is why I asked you earlier, do you think that a rela- tionship doesn't "work" because it doesn't "last"? And then I said, "That depends on its purpose." And you then asked, "What is the purpose of relationship?" And now, right here, you have answered your own question.
Evolution is the bottom-line purpose of everything. And there is no faster way to evolve than through the process of your exterior relationship with another.
Holy relationship is where your interior meets the exterior of another, and where the interior of another meets your exterior, and where, in the best of moments, the exteriors of both are melted by the heat of both interiors, allowing those interiors to meet and awaken to the awareness that they are Identical and One, and to experience that.
This is the expression in the world that you call Love.