
瀏覽人數 36
為了不背叛他人而背叛自己,依然是背叛。那是最大的背叛。(Betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another is betrayal nonetheless. It is the highest betrayal.)
因此,永遠不要背叛你自己。記住莎士比亞在《哈姆雷特》裡,普羅尼爾斯(polonius)給他的兒子的這句話:「要對你自己誠實,如同夜晚必然跟隨白天般,你也必然不對任何人作假。」("To thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.")
摘自《與神對話青春版 》第6章
Neale: Oh, believe me. There's pressure from everywhere.  A lot of it comes from my own friends, too. Sometimes they want me to do something, or they want me to do something, or act in a way. That doesn't feel like "me. I'm never sure what to do. If I stay true to myself,  I'm on the outs with the group. If I stay true to the group, I'm not being myself. 
Remember this for the rest of your life. It may be one of the most important things you will ever hear: 
Betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another is betrayal nonetheless. It is the highest betrayal. 
If you are trying to avoid betraying another but must betray yourself in the process, then you are still committing a betrayal. It is merely a question of whom you are betraying, not whether you are betraying. 
Yet when you are betraying yourself, you are betraying another as well, because the "you" that they think you are is not who you are at all. It is a false you. You have betrayed yourself and another. 
Therefore, never betray yourself. Remember the words of Polonius to Laertes in Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare: 
"To thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man."
Do not worry about "the group." The group will go away. One day it will simply not be there. Yet you will never go away. You will be with your Self until the end of time.  
Does that mean to only do what I want to do? 
It means, decide more honestly why you want to do a thing. If you want to do something in order to please another person or group, and if the doing of it does not please you but you are thinking of doing it anyway, don't do it. 


誠實是關於說出「你所覺知的真相」,首先對你自己,然後對別人。  誠實是你支持擁護什麼(stand for)。你不再躺著(lying down)接受,而是支持擁護某事情。也許你注意到,除非你停止到處說謊(lying 註:... 更多
尼爾:我如何才能與我真正的自己(Self)為友?藉由開始認識「你真正是誰」。並且藉由對「你不是誰」變得更明白。一旦你明白「你真正是誰」,你將愛上你自己 (fall in love with your Self)。... 更多
我們是一群將一部非常值得參考的「新觀念理論」清楚整理,讓它成為一個「可快速查詢與參考工具」的志工,希望讓所有華人能清楚看見它的價值。當人們看見價值,自然會在日常生活中開始做出不同的選擇。... 更多
尼爾:在我決定「我不是誰」,並且在我將自己由「我是我的過去」的想法中解放出來之後,我又如何發現「我是誰」呢?那並非一個發現的過程,而是個「創造」的過程。... 更多