你們是處於一個演化的迴圈上,從圓滿的知(fullness of knowing)到忘懷的空(emptiness of forgetfulness),再到圓滿的知。從一體到分離,再到一體。從完全的意識到無意識,再到完全的意識。這移動,這過程,是無止盡的生命迴圈的一部分。它是來與去、出現與消失、「了解與運用 being 」與「對being 毫無概念」,以及你們所謂的生與死。

這將在你們的星球上產生一個革命。它將是個非暴力的革命,那永遠是最革命性的革命。它將是個進化的革命(Evolution Revolution)。
尼爾:所以,它並不必然是個反對某樣東西 的「反抗暴動」,卻只是一個改變,一 個成長?
一個革命(revolution)就是一個沿著循環繞轉(revolving) 。它來到了一個完整的圓。這就是現在透過人類正在進行,並表達呈現出來的生命。你們是處於一個迴圈上,從圓滿的知(fullness of knowing)到忘懷的空(emptiness of forgetfulness),再到圓滿的知。從一體到分離,再到一體。從完全的意識到無意識,再到完全的意識。這移動,這過程,是無止盡的生命迴圈的一部分。它是來與去、出現與消失、「了解與運用 being 」與「對being 毫無概念」,以及你們所謂的生與死。

它是真理中的真理、智慧中的智慧、一切東西的本質、生命的神奇。(It is the Truth of Truths, the Wisdom of Wisdoms, the Nautre of All Things, the Wonder of Life.)
這循環繞轉,這革命,無論是否有人類的物質性參與,它都會發生。它不需要人類就能發生。然而,它的發生若沒有人類的參與,會是沒有意義。因為,沒有物質性活動的意識活動(activity of Consciousness without the activity of Physicality),近似於一個沒有陽性的陰性活動。它是空洞的,缺乏體驗和意義。


You are affecting the world right now, with every thing you think, say, and do. The only difference is that, right now, most of you are doing this unconsciously.
The New Spirituality is about doing it consciously. It is a call to expanded consciousness. It is an invitation to conscious creation. It is the next step in the process of evolution.
This will create a revolution on your planet. It will be a nonviolent revolution, which is always the most revolutionary revolution of all. It will be the Evolution Revolution.
Neale: So it's not necessarily a "revolting" against something, but simply a changing, a growth.
A revolution is a "revolving." It is a coming full circle. And this is what Life as expressed through Humanity is doing right now. You are on a circle, from the fullness of knowing to the emptiness of forgetfulness to the fullness of knowing again. From Oneness to Separation to Oneness again. From Total Consciousness to Unconsciousness to Total Consciousness again. This movement, this process, is part of the endless Cycle of Life. It is the coming and the going, the appearing and the disappearing, the being and the nonbeing, and what you have called the living and the dying.
It is spoken of in your philosophies and revealed in your religions and expressed in all of your cultural stories. It is found in your poems and songs, in your dances and rituals of every kind. It is held in your minds and embraced in your hearts and known in your souls.
It is the Truth of Truths, the Wisdom of Wisdoms, the Nature of All Things, the Wonder of Life.
It IS Life, expressing AS Life, THROUGH Life, which process is circular and cyclical and circumferential.
It encompasses All and it encloses All and it in- cludes All, because it IS All.
This revolving, this revolution, will come to pass with humanity's physical participation or without it. It does not need humanity for it to occur, and yet its occurrence will mean nothing without humanity. For the activity of Consciousness without the activity of Physicality is akin to an ac- tion of the yin without the yang. It is empty and devoid of experience and meaning.
This is why God created Humanity, and that is why Humanity created God—and when you understand this, you understand everything.