
瀏覽人數 37
呼吸是個「生命力 (Life Force)進入你、流過你,而被你送回生命本身」的過程。我知道你已經了解這生命能量的循環,如何透過所有生命形式,供養著你們星球上所有的生命形式了。
尼爾:是的。我了解我吸入的氧氣是我周圍植物及樹木產生的,它們吸入我所呼出的 二氧化碳,將它們再轉成氧氣,而送到環境裡,讓我吸入。這是個相互依存的循環系統。
尼爾:哦,我的天啊!我現在才 聽懂。我剛聽懂了你在這裡一直試圖告訴我的。我剛搞懂了整個的意義,看到整個的畫面!那循環迴圈 (cycle) 就是我們稱為演化的整體與更大過程的一部分,不是嗎?我現在明白了。甚至呼吸───像呼吸這樣簡單、如此自動、似乎對世界毫無衝擊的事───實際上是在服侍生命的整個循環迴圈,生命本身藉此而得以維續 (sustain) 它自己。
For breathing is the process by which the Life Force enters you, flows through you, and is sent by you back to Life Itself. I know that you already understand how the cycling of this Life Energy through all Life Forms supports all Life Forms on your planet. 
Neale: Yes. I understand that the oxygen I breathe in is created by the plants and trees all around me, which "breathe in" the carbon dioxide I breathe out, turning it into oxygen again and sending it into the environment for me to inhale. It is a circular system of mutual interdependence. 
That is a very basic understanding, but it is correct. And breathing is not something that you have to be told to do. You do it automatically because it is Life-serving. It is the first thing you do in every moment. Before you serve the agenda of your Little Self you serve this larger agenda of the Big Self that is Life Itself, expressed through you as you. Life serves Life in this way, through its never-ending cycle, and you are part of that cycle. By serving that cycle before serving anything else, you "pre-serve" it—which, of course, preserves it. 
Neale: Oh, my gosh, I just got it. I just got what you've been trying to tell me here. I just got the whole meaning, the whole picture! The cycle IS part of the overall and larger process that we call evolution, isn't it? I see it now. Even breathing— something as simple and as automatic and as seemingly nonimpacting upon the world as breathing—actually serves the whole cycle of Life by which Life Itself is allowed to sustain itself. 
Yes, you are seeing more of the whole picture now. As you see more of this whole picture, and your place in it, you peer into the largest secrets of the universe, and grasp at the edges of supraconsciousness. 
First, you became aware of your Little Self. Now you are becoming aware of your Big Self. This is the next step for you, and for all of humankind—part of which can be led through this evolutionary process through you, and through everyone who sees this as a team effort, the most crucial and exciting undertaking of Humanity's Team. 


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