
瀏覽人數 518
人生的一切都是一個「決定你是誰並加以體驗」的過程。(All of life is a process of deciding Who You Are, and then experiencing that.)
隨著你們視野的擴展,你們立下新的規則以涵蓋新的領域!而隨著你們在觀念上對於你們的本我 (Self) 擴大理解,你們便創造出新的「為與不為」,新的「可與不可」,以涵蓋新的領域。這些「被限制」的邊界是你們原先無法涵蓋接納的領域。
你看出你們創造「對」與「錯」的觀念,僅是為了定義你們是誰(define Who You Are)了嗎?
現在,我在下面的幾段話要告訴你們的,可能對某些人是非常難了解和接受的。它會違背許多你們目前的思想體系中視為真理的東西。然而,如果要讓這對話(與神對話信息)對你們有益(serve you),我就不能讓你們還是以這些(陳舊的)思維結構繼續下去。因此,現在,就在這第二部(與神對話)公開信息中,我們必須迎面去正視這些觀念。但這將會有一陣顛簸。你準備好了嗎?
我要告訴你的是:沒有爛蘋果」這回事。只有那些「對事情的看法與你不同」的人,那些「對外在世界的想法模式與你不同」的人。我要告訴你的是:就每個人所處的世界模式而言,沒有人在做任何不得當的事。 (No persons do anything inappropriate, given their model of the world. 意思是:從每個人所處的觀點來看,他 / 她並沒有做不當的事。 )
我要抱歉地說,這正是引發戰爭的態度(that's exactly the attitude which starts wars)
摘自《與神對話 II》第3章
All of life is a process of deciding Who You Are, and then experiencing that.
As you keep expanding your vision, you make up new rules to cover that! As you keep enlarging your idea about your Self, you create new do's and don'ts, yeses and nos to encircle that. These are the boundaries that "hold in" something which cannot be held in.
Do you see how you have created your ideas of "right" and "wrong" simply to define Who You Are?
Do you see that without these definitions—boundaries— you are nothing?
And do you see that, like Me, you keep changing the boundaries as you change your Ideas of Who You Are?
Neale: Well, I get what You are saying, but it does not seem that I have changed the boundaries—my own personal boundaries— very much. To me it has always been wrong to kill. It has always been wrong to steal. It has always been wrong to hurt another. The largest concepts by which we govern ourselves have been in place since the beginning of time, and most human beings agree on them.
Then why do you have war?
Neale: Because there will always be some who break the rules. There's a rotten apple in every barrel.
What I'm going to tell you now, and in the passages which follow, may be very difficult for some people to understand and accept. It is going to violate much of what is held as truth in your present thought system. Yet I cannot let you go on living with these constructions if this dialogue is to serve you. So we must, now, in this second book, meet some of these concepts head on. But it’s going to be bumpy going here for a while. Are you ready?
Neale: I think so, yes. Thanks for the warning. What is it that's so dramatic or difficult to understand or accept that You're going to tell me?
I am going to tell you this: there are no "rotten apples." There are only people who disagree with your point of view on things, people who construct a different model of the world. I am going to tell you this: No persons do anything inappropriate, given their model of the world.
Neale : Then their "model" is all messed up. I know what's right and wrong, and because some other people don't, that doesn't make me crazy because I do. They're the ones who are crazy.
I'm sorry to say that's exactly the attitude which starts wars.


人類在某個時間點上會有他們想要的東西,而他們拿自己的權力(power)去換取。或許他們認爲,那些現在壓迫他們的人會給他們安全感,或一種較好的生活,所以這些被壓迫的大多數人們不願正視而以別的觀點看待。或許他們認爲,如果他們不以別的觀點看待,而去抱怨和開始反叛,他們會被殺。既然他們「想要」的是活著,... 更多
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人生的一切都是一個「決定『你是誰』並加以體驗」的過程。隨著你們視野的擴展,你們立下新的規則以涵蓋新的領域!而隨著你們在觀念上對於你們的本我 (Self) 的擴大理解,你們便創造出新的「為與不為」,新的「... 更多
人類在某個時間點上會有他們想要的東西,而他們拿自己的權力(power)去換取。或許他們認爲,那些現在壓迫他們的人會給他們安全感,或一種較好的生活,所以這些被壓迫的大多數人們不願正視而以別的觀點看待。或許他們認爲,如果他們不以別的觀點看待,而去抱怨和開始反叛,他們會被殺。既然他們「想要」的是活著,... 更多
尼爾:在我決定「我不是誰」,並且在我將自己由「我是我的過去」的想法中解放出來之後,我又如何發現「我是誰」呢?那並非一個發現的過程,而是個「創造」的過程。... 更多
在創造的當下,你就在實現你的人生。因為創造是「你們如何成長與演化」的方式,而這正是,你與一切萬物在地球上要做的事。... 更多