
人生的一切都是一個「決定『你是誰』並加以體驗」的過程。(All of life is a process of deciding Who You Are, and then experiencing that.)
隨著你們視野的擴展,你們立下新的規則以涵蓋新的領域!而隨著你們在觀念上對於你們的本我 (Self) 的擴大理解,你們便創造出新的「為與不為」,新的「可與不可」,以涵蓋新的領域。這些「被限制」的邊界是你們原先無法涵蓋接納的領域。
你(頭腦認為的你)無法把「你(本我)」限制住,因為你像宇宙一樣地廣闊無垠(boundless 沒有邊界)。然而,你能以想像的方式,創造一個關於你本我的界限的概念,並接受此界限。
就某種意義說,這是唯一可以讓你把自己當做任何一種特定的東西(as anything inparticular,即有界限的意思)來認知自己的辦法。

但廣闊無垠就是廣闊無垠。無限就是無限。它無法存在任何一個地方,因為它是處處都在(It cannot exit anywhere, because it is everywhere.)。如果它處處都在,它就不在任何一個特定的地方(it is nowhere in particular)。
只有一件事對神而言是「不可能」的,那就是不是神(that is for God to not be God)。神無法「不是」。神也無法不像祂自己。神無法把祂自己「去除神性,變成不是神」。(God cannot “not be”. Nor can God not be like Itself. God cannot “un-God” Itself.)
我處處皆在,全然就是如此。而由於我處處皆在,我不在任何一處(And since I am everywhere, I am nowhere.)。而如果我不在任何一處(NOWHERE),那我在哪裡?
現在在此(NOW HERE)。
你還真體貼!而現在你比較了解了嗎?你看出你們創造「對」與「錯」的觀念,僅是為了定義你們是誰(define Who You Are)了嗎?
摘自《與神對話 II》第3章

All of life is a process of deciding Who You Are, and then experiencing that.
As you keep expanding your vision, you make up new rules to cover that! As you keep enlarging your idea about your Self, you create new do's and don'ts, yeses and nos to encircle that. These are the boundaries that "hold in" something which cannot be held in.
You cannot hold in "you," because you are as boundless as the Universe. Yet you can create a concept about your boundless self by imagining, and then accepting, boundaries.
In a sense, this is the only way you can know yourself as anything in particular.
That which is boundless is boundless. That which is limitless is limitless. It cannot exist anywhere, because it is everywhere. If it is everywhere, it is nowhere in particular.
God is everywhere. Therefore, God is nowhere in particular, because to be somewhere in particular, God would have to not be somewhere else—which is not possible for God.
There is only one thing that is "not possible" for God, and that is for God to not be God. God cannot "not be." Nor can God not be like Itself. God cannot "un-God" Itself. I am everywhere, and that's all there is to it. And since I am everywhere, I am nowhere. And if I am NOWHERE, where am I?
Neale: I love it! You made this point in the first book, but I love it, so I let You go on.
That's very kind of you. And do you understand it better now? Do you see how you have created your ideas of "right" and "wrong" simply to define Who You Are?
Do you see that without these definitions—boundaries— you are nothing?
And do you see that, like Me, you keep changing the boundaries as you change your Ideas of Who You Are?