人類的創造,除了用頭腦心智(minding)和身體力行(doing)外,每一個人也都可以——經由被引導而了解和憶起「如何經由內心進入更高意識層面——運用 being 的方式來體驗和創造自己的人生,來體驗和創造生活中的任何事物。在所有幫助心靈成長的管道、工具和書籍中,這是《與神對話》信息最獨特、最精隨且最經典的教導。
顯然這是一個經由「與神對話信息」,神帶給今日世界的巨大禮物。一個你可以從願意詳閱這部「宇宙最高智慧的觀察建言」而擴展意識,來體驗如何做一個完整的人類生命(Whole Being,即:懂得應用身心靈三面向在體驗和創造生活的「全人」)——並幫助自己+幫助社會加速文明演化——的巨大的禮物。歡迎檢視:

因此,不論你為自己選擇什麼,把那「你為自己所選擇的」給與別人(whatever you choose for yourself, give to another)。
如果你選擇成為(choose to be)快樂,讓別人成為(cause another to be)快樂。
如果你選擇生活中有(choose to have)更多的愛,讓別人生活中有(cause another to have)更多的愛。
要真心真意地這樣做——不是因為你尋求個人私利,而是因為你真的要別人成為或擁有那樣——於是你所給出去的一切,都會來到你身上(all the things you give away will come to you)。

於是,這個「新的想法」就變成你的經驗。你開始「being」那樣。而一旦你開始「being」某一情況,你就啟動了宇宙中力量最強大的創造機器——也就是你的神聖本我(Once you start “being”a thing, you have engaged the gears of the most powerful creation machine in the universe---your Divine Self.)。

不論你「being」什麼,你就在「創造」什麼。(Whatever you are being, you are creating.)
這是生命的最大秘密(This is the biggest secret of life.)。這正是我在第一部和第二部對話中所要告訴你們的。這秘密全都攤在那裡了,比此處說得更詳細。(可以回去重讀前兩部看看。 註:確實從第一部與神對話的第一章神就開始在講「什麼是being、身心靈三面向如何運作、什麼是Being創造」,到第三部上述的「如何啟動宇宙最強大的創造力量」,並且到這之後的六本書上還進一步在談這「人類今日已演化到能懂得用來體驗和創造人生中一切事物的新方法——Being」,可參閱:www.igod.tw/node/2760。)
摘自《與神對話 III》第1章

The mind may not be able to sincerely agree that the actions of the body can bring you that which you choose, but the mind seems very clear that God will bring good things through you to another.
Therefore, whatever you choose for yourself, give to another.
Whatever you choose for yourself, give to another.
If you choose to be happy, cause another to be happy.
If you choose to be prosperous, cause another to prosper.
If you choose more love in your life, cause another to have more love in theirs.
Do this sincerely—not because you seek personal gain, but because you really want the other person to have that—and all the things you give away will come to you.
Neale: Why is that so? How does that work?
The very act of your giving something away causes you to experience that you have it to give away. Since you cannot give to another something you do not now have, your mind comes to a new conclusion, a New Thought, about you—namely, that you must have this, or you could not be giving it away.
This New Thought then becomes your experience. You start "being" that. And once you start "being" a thing, you've engaged the gears of the most powerful creation machine in the universe—your Divine Self.
Whatever you are being, you are creating.
The circle is complete, and you will create more and more of that in your life. It will be made manifest in your physical experience.
This is the greatest secret of life. It is what Book 1 and Book 2 were written to tell you. It was all there, in far greater detail.