聽神談【認識你與「神的本質」(nature of God)】
你們是以神的形象和模樣創造出來的——而那就是你們要來實現的天命(it is that destiny you came to fulfill)。你們來到此生,不是為了努力與掙扎卻永遠難以「到達那裡」。我也沒有派遣這樣的使命給你們...
尼爾:你在本書的前段曾說過一句話激起了我想了解的好奇心。你說:「絕對的權力是絕無需求的」(Absolute Power demands absolutely nothing.)。這是神的本性(nature of God)嗎?
我曾說過:「神是一切,神並成為一切。沒有任何神所不是的東西,而神對祂自己所體驗的一切,是以在你們之內、以你們之身,並經由你們的方式在體驗的」(God is everything, and God becomes everything. There is nothing which God is not, and all that God is experiencing of Itself, God is experiencing in, as, and through you.)。在我最純粹的形式中,我是那「純粹無條件的絕對」(the Absolute)。我即一切「純粹無條件的絕對」,因此,我絕對不需要、無需求、並不要求任何東西。
從這純粹無條件的絕對形式,我是以你們在呈現和構成我(Me)的。就好像你們在最後終於看到了神時對我說:「嗨!你體驗得怎麼樣?」(“Well, what do you make of that?”)然而,不論你們把我體驗和了解得怎麼樣,我都不會忘記「我最純粹無條件的絕對形式」(My Purest Form)。而所有其他的都是一種虛構,都是你們編造出來的。
我永遠都與你們同在,既使是海枯石爛(I am with you always, even unto the end of time.)。你與我的結合是完整的——過去一直是,現在總是,將來永遠是。
你們和我是「一體」的——現在和永永遠遠皆是。(You and I are One---both now and even forevermore.)
去吧,將你的人生做為一個對此真相的陳述。(Go now, and make of your life a statement of this truth.)
讓你的日日夜夜都成為一種「你內在最高想法的反映」(reflection of the highest idea within you)。讓你的當下此刻充滿著神經由你顯現出來的壯觀狂喜(spectacular ecstasy of God made manifest through you)。經由你對所有你接觸的人,表達出你對他們永遠且無條件的愛。成為黑暗的一道曙光,而不詛咒黑暗。
成為一位「荷光者」。(Be a bringer of the light.)
摘自《與神對話 II》第20章
You have been made in the Image and Likeness of God—it is that destiny you came to fulfill. You did not come here to strive and to struggle and to never "get there." Nor did I send you on a mission impossible to complete....
Neale: You said something earlier in this book which intrigued me. I'd like to go back as we come to the end of this volume. You said: "Absolute Power demands absolutely nothing." Is this the nature of God?
You have now understood.
I have said, "God is everything, and God becomes everything. There is nothing which God is not, and all that God is experiencing of Itself, God is experiencing in, as, and through you." In My purest form, I am the Absolute. I am Absolutely Everything, and therefore, I need, want, and demand absolutely nothing.
From this absolutely pure form, I am as you make Me. It is as if you were finally to see God and say, "Well, what do you make of that? "Yet, no matter what you make of Me, I cannot forget, and will always return to, My Purest Form. All the rest is a fiction. It is something you are making up.
There are those who would make Me a jealous God; but who could be jealous when one has, and is, Everything?
There are those who would make Me a wrathful God; but what could cause Me to be angry when I can not be hurt or damaged in any way?
There are those who would make Me a vengeful God; but on whom would I take vengeance, since all that exists is Me?
And why would I punish Myself for simply creating? Or, if you must think of us as separate, why would I create you, give you the power to create, give you the freedom of choice to create what you wish to experience, then punish you forever for making the "wrong" choice?
I tell you this: I would not do such a thing—and in that truth lies your freedom from the tyranny of God.
In truth, there is no tyranny—except in your imagination. You may come home whenever you wish.
We can be together again whenever you want. The ecstasy of your union with Me is yours to know again. At the drop of a hat. At the feel of the wind on your face. At the sound of a cricket under diamond skies on a summer night.
At the first sight of a rainbow and the first cry of a newborn babe. At the last ray of a spectacular sunset and the last breath in a spectacular life.
I am with you always, even unto the end of time. Your union with Me is complete—it always was, always is, and always will be.
You and I are One—both now and even forever-more.
Go now, and make of your life a statement of this truth.
Cause your days and nights to be reflections of the highest idea within you. Allow your moments of Now to be filled with the spectacular ecstasy of God made manifest through you. Do it through the expression of your Love, eternal and unconditional, for all those whose lives you touch. Be a light unto the darkness, and curse it not.
Be a bringer of the light.
You are that.