
你的覺醒時刻可能在任何時候、經由任何人而來到。所以,要尊重所有的時間和所有的人,因為你解脫的時刻 可能就在眼前。當你能與幻覺同在,但不是活在其內的時候,就是你從幻覺中解脫的時候了。
這些是你的恩典時刻(moments of grace) ,當清明和智慧、愛和了解、指導和洞見被帶給你,並且經由你帶來。
那是神的愛將神帶給你。是你「對自己的愛」帶來了「對自己是神」的那部分的覺知——因此你知道:神並不是來到你身邊,而是經由你來的。因為神永遠沒與你分開,神永遠是你的一部分。 (God does not come to you but through you. For God is never apart from you but is always a part of you.)

Your moment of awakening can come to you at any time, and through any person. Therefore, honor all times and all people, for the moment of your deliverance may be at hand. It will be your deliverance from The Illusions the moment when you can be with it but not within it.
There will be more than one such moment in your life. Indeed, your life has been created to bring you just such moments.
These are your moments of grace, when clarity and wisdom, love and understanding, guidance and insight are brought to you and through you.
These moments of grace change your life forever, and often, the lives of others as well.
Just such a moment of grace brought you to this book. That is why you are able to receive and deeply understand the present communication.
In one form, this is a meeting with the Creator.
It has come upon you through your willingness, through your openness, through your forgiveness, and through your love. Your love of self, your love of others, and your love of Life.
And, yes, your love of Me.
It is love of God that brings God to you. It is love of self that brings awareness of that part of self which is God—and therefore knows that God does not come to you but through you. For God is never apart from you but is always a part of you.
The Creator is not separate from the created. The lover is not separate from the beloved. That is not the nature of love, and that is not the nature of God.
Nor is it the nature of You. You are separate from nothing and no one, least of all God.