
瀏覽人數 6612
How Parallel Realities have been working in our lives?
影片摘自:Bashar Session 2013-The Year of Reinvention
The idea we had discussed previously, in your year of 2012, is that we used the analogy, that 2012, the winter solstice then, in that sense, was the splitting prism.
We likened to the idea in your imagination of a train station, in which many trains were sitting on many tracks, side-by-side.
But we're going to leave this station, and as they left the station and move out of the station on the tracks, that bit by bit, the tracks will become farther and farther and farther apart, so all the train will be going, ultimately in a variety of different directions.
This was an analogy for the idea that every single train represents a different reality experience, a different parallel version of Earth.  
And that as they left the station, the tracks will still be relativity close together.
So that it will give you an opportunity, if you're on the train, you really decided you didn't prefer to be on, you still could jump off and jump on another train, because they are all still very close together and all still moving very very slowly.
And eventually as this trains and tracks diverge, you will realize, that the parallel reality differences will eventually become so great, that it will be more and more and more difficult, more unlikely shall we say, less probable that will be able to move from one train to another as the tracks became so far apart, it would be unlikely whatever find a train and a parallel reality that had nothing to do with the vibration of the train you're on.  
And that's why it was so important to make sure that you are on the train you really prefer to be on, so you can remain on that train and experienced the parallel reality version of earth you really truly prefer, that was in highest alignment with your highest excitement.
Thus then continuing that understanding, that analogy, we will now say that in your year of 2013, obviously, the tracks are getting a little bit farther apart, the trains are moving just a little bit faster.
You could liken the idea casually walk to, what you might call a casual walk. So you can still get off the train, you call still walk alongside the train, and it is still very easy for you to get on the train you truly prefer to be on.
2014 we'll see a little bit of an acceleration.  As the energy progresses, as the energy accelerates, and as the tracks widen, you will find that in 2014, in order to match the speed of the train you prefer, you will have to be going at, what you might call, a brisk walk.
In 2015, you may find that you're going to need to jog to keep up with the train.
In 2016, you may have to go at a little bit of a slow run.
In 2017, you may have to be running pretty briskly.
In 2018, you may find that you’re going to be sprinting.
In 2019, you are going to be at the fastest pace you can maintain.
And by 2020 if you are not on that train, you’re going to see that train disappearing over the horizon very quickly.
So the idea is to get on the train you really prefer to be on now, and not wait until the vibration is so far ahead of you, of the reality you prefer that it’s going to require a great deal of effort, a great deal of struggle, a great deal of pain, in order to catch up to that train. Or perhaps even that you will have allowed yourself to not catch up with the train at all.
None of this is said, in any way shape or form to scare you. None of this is said in any way shape or form to imply the idea of a negative experience.
But just to really let you know that you’re the ones who have to decide to accelerate things. This is what you’ve said you prefer, you want things to speed up, you want to experience greater manifestation much sooner of the things you prefer in your reality.
And so we give you this analogy so you can understand how to pace yourself.  And to be on the train, to be in the parallel reality vibration, to be in the state of being, to act on your excitement, sooner than later.
Because again, if you truly prefer acceleration, than you can understand that certain groups in the consensus are going to speed up.
And if you want to be part of the group that is speeding up, it’s very important to have clarity in your definitions now, to really, really act with conviction and boldness on the things that excite you now, to use all the tools we have shared with you, very cleanly and very clearly now. And really move forward to your lives and reinvent yourself in the way that you prefer to.


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