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Know "How your Whole Minds work" and live as a Whole Person.
此篇中的Physical Brain(物質頭腦) 譯為大腦」,
Physical Mind(物質心智/身體心智) 譯為頭腦心智」。
Now, we have recently communicated the idea of how ideas, concepts, information comes from the higher mind through the physical brain into the physical mind.
And its thus then experienced in a physical way in your reality.
Let us quickly reiterate before we go on to new information the idea that, once again, these three components---Higher Mind, Physical Brain, Physical Mind---personality construct, if you will.
The idea being that higher mind is the conceiver; physical brain is the receiver; physical mind is the perceiver of the reality that results from the application of the information downloaded from the higher mind.
Anything that is what you call an inspiration, an idea of creation, a conception, it does not actually originate in the physical mind.
It originates in the higher mind that is then downloaded through the physical brain, and is then, in a sense, set up in the physical brain in a neurological, neuroelectric way, neurochemical way, to create the physical mind, that then has the perception, the experience, the feedback, the application of what you call physical reality.
And thus then creates the entire experience, the entire event.
But the idea, the question here, is that as you open up to receive information through the conduit of imagination, through the receiver of the brain, you can make yourself more sensitized to the idea receiving information of higher frequency more densely compacted higher levels of information, higher insights, broader perspectives.
And there are many ways in which this can be done.
As we have said there are many tools, many techniques.
Each and every one of them is simply a permission slip that You give to yourself based on your belief system, as to what will work for you and allowing you to grant yourself permission to open up and receive information, and apply the more creative and constructive ways, more positive ways.
So it's not that any one specific technique or tool or ritual works better than any other.
It is simply what works best for you.
Because whatever you are attracted to you as a permission slip, is obviously keyed to your vibrational makeup.
What you are attracted to, you are attracted to for a reason. The reason being that that frequency strikes a chord within you.
And thus then will work best for you even though it may not work that well for someone else.
But the idea here is to really understand the mechanism that's going on in terms of how the information from a higher dimension which the higher mind occupies is actually translated down through the brain into the physical mind, into that artificial construct we have called the “personality” that then does the perceiving the experiencing.
This is generally how it occurs:
In your physical brain, there is a nodal point, a nodule, that you referred to as the pineal gland. This is in many ways accurately represented by your society, by those who have recognized that they euphemistically call it “the seat of the soul”.
What this means is it is the interface. It is the neurological neurochemical interface that allows for the translation of higher vibrational information into the brain in such a manner that then physical mind has access to it and can use that information to create a physical experience.
How does this work? I will tell you. Thank you.
The idea is that your pineal gland creates certain neurochemical transmitters, primarily among them are what you call  Dimethyltryptamine, Serotonin and Melatonin.
The idea is that dimethyltryptamine is the primary one.
It is vibrationally keyed to receive higher frequency vibrations. When those higher frequency vibrations in a sense are, shall we say, directing at the brain by the higher mind directly into the brain,
the pineal gland regulates the quantity of dimethyltryptamine, what you have euphemistically called "DMT" in your society which is naturally produced in the brain.
And it regulates the amount of that dimethyltryptamine that is appropriate for the reception of that information, and the amount that is appropriate for the focusing of the physical mind in physical reality.
So, let's be clear about what is happening here: The pineal gland regulates this molecule and its vibration to determine exactly how and to what degree you are or are not focused in physical or nonphysical reality.
It is the gatekeeper. It is the regulator. It is the tuning dial for how much you are focused in physical or how much you are focused in nonphysical reality.
So the first level of reception is that this substance dimethyltryptamine receives the vibration of a higher information that also where and when necessary translate that vibrational energy into other neurochemical transmitters.
Such as serotonin, melatonin and along with dimethyltryptamine in a sense dumps these neurotransmitters into your cerebrospinal fluid into your bloodstream, into the cells of your brain, into the cells of your body.
In such a manner as to then set up a template neuro-chemically, and then neuro-electrically to represent the idea of that information in neuro-chemical, neuro-electric form.
Once it has been translated by these neuro-transmitting chemicals in a neuro-electric, neuro-chemical form, then the physical mind has access to that information.
Thus then the physical mind receives that experience as the experience of inspiration, imagination, thought patterns, so on and so forth.
But also, it then takes that information and applies it in whatever way shape or form it has already applied such information before with respect to crystallizing or solidifying patterns of that information.
These crystallizations, these solidifications of patterns of information that the physical mind has received before, that it has decided are appropriate or pertinent or relevant to it, are called belief systems and definitions.
So, the idea of the crystallized belief systems thus then also will affect the efficacy of your ability to download that information.
Because you will always pass that information after it is been translated from higher frequency energy into neuro-chemical, neuro-electric patterns. You will always pass that information to the crystallized belief systems within the artificial personality construct that have been set up.
And those belief systems will then regulate to what degree you actually have the ability to access that higher frequency information, more or less depending upon the nature of the belief that has been crystallized within the personality construct, within the physical mind.
This is why it is so important to allow yourself clarity of belief system, clarity of how you define things in your physical reality experience.
Because if you have certain kinds of belief systems that are constricted conditional in that sense, negative in that sense, mechanically speaking, they can limit your ability to actually perceive higher frequency energy being downloaded from your higher mind.
And thus then they can make it seem as if you are incapable of receiving the guidance that is necessary for you to move through life in an effortless way, in a creative way, in a loving joyful exciting way.
So the first stage always, because you are ensconced as physical personalities, in physical reality experience is to always get a handle on what your beliefs and definitions are about life, to make sure they are in alignment with what you prefer to believe and not contrary to it,
that they are in alignment with your true natural vibration which is really much closer to the higher frequency we're talking about.
And thus then allow yourself to be capable of receiving that information in a much clearer, and shall we say more original form.
Now, the idea is that this can be enhanced in other ways as well, along with clarifying your belief systems to increase your sensitivity to higher frequency energy and thus receive those transmissions more in their natural form.
Along with that you can also once again do certain kinds of permission slip exercises to take advantage of the fact that you have this "pineal interface" in your brain.
So while working on your belief systems, not instead of but in addition to working on your belief systems: You can also work directly with the pineal gland to allow it to produce the appropriate amount of dimethyltryptamine, serotonin and melatonin that will be representative of the kind of neuro-chemical, neuro-electric transmission templates that are more clearly representative of the original transmission so that the physical mind receives that without so much filtering.
One way to do this is as you go to sleep, because the idea of DMT, melatonin, serotonin work very strongly in the nighttime hours, especially at what you call your 3 AM hour.
You can, before you go to sleep, focus on the idea of your third eye, what you call the pineal gland, your third eye, metaphysically speaking and allowing yourself to focus on it.
Allow yourself to feel you the idea of that neuro-chemical being produced by that pineal gland, the regulator.
Allow yourself to see that little module, or feel that little module, or hear that little module however it works for you, relaxing and producing,
producing the appropriate amount of these neuro-chemical transmitters that will allow for more clarity and opening up those interdimensional windows to allow you to perceive more purely the higher frequency energy that is being downloaded to you by your higher mind all the time.
And thus then by focusing on that and allowing it to produce the appropriate amount necessary for clarity and balance between the nonphysical and physical realities that you are experiencing,
you can bit by bit, either quickly or slowly, whatever is the appropriate rate for you, begin to feel more and more inspiration coming, more and more imagination working, more and more of your inner vision opening up with clarity, with brightness, with brilliance, with color.
And you can begin to work more smoothly in conjunction in a relationship with your higher mind.
Now, remember, not only is the idea that your higher mind conceives, the brain receives, and the physical mind perceives, but an understanding that once again allows to reinforce the side effects of that, the full understanding of what that means.
Because we know in your society you have trained yourselves to think that you have to think your way through everything, that you have to be in control of the physical mind must always control things in order to make them happen.
We would like to once again remind you, in conjunction with what we are saying now, to reinforce this idea of the higher mind being the conceiver, not the physical mind.
But it's not even just about letting the higher mind be the conceiver and not the physical mind, it is also understanding that the physical mind actually IS NOT DESIGNED to be the conceiver.
It cannot do that job.
And that's why very often you find yourselves getting into so much trouble when the physical mind thinks it has to be the one running the show, and making sure every single detail is exactly where they think it needs to be in order for something to happen.
The physical mind is not designed, IS NOT CAPABLE of doing that.
So stop trying. It's tiring. It's exhausting.
And the reason is it's not designed to do that.
The physical mind is designed not to know how something is going to happen.
The physical mind is designed to know "how something is happening", or "how it has happened".
It is not designed to know "how something is going to happen".
So the idea is to, first and foremost as I said, relax the belief systems within the personality construct that make it seem as if the physical mind is the one that is supposed to be in charge,
because it's not.
The physical mind's job is to relax and enjoy the experience, enjoy the ride and let the higher mind be the guide.
And that's how it works.
And you can make this more efficacious by getting in touch with your beliefs and clarifying them,
by doing things that focus on allowing the mechanism within your brain itself to have a more clearly placed template, so that you are translating that information more clearly.
And to rely on and trust the higher mind's ability to know where you're going, how you're going to get there, and what is the best possible route for you.
You have to work in concert with it. You have to work together with it in order to actually be a whole person.
The idea is to be a whole person and use all levels of your consciousness in this experience, in this adventure that you call your lives in physical reality.
And it will go much more smoothly, I guarantee it.
Not because I said so but because that's the way the universe is structured. That's how the mechanism works.
All were talking about here is physics.
Take advantage of the nature of the structure of the physics of existence.
That's all were suggesting that you do to make your lives more joyful.


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