人類已經邁入與神對話所謂「新靈性」(和傳統的舊靈性觀念有很大的差別)的演化階段,教育不再只是教孩子學習如何反應、如何複製,而是如何「創造」。教導所關注的焦點是「創造」,讓我們稱它為「教導創造」的教育(Creation Education).....

在新靈性的日子裡,教育所關注的焦點是「創造」(In the days of the New Spirituality the focus of education will be on creation)。
這將稱為「教導創造、教導開創能力」的教育 (Creation Education,或稱「教導創造」的教育),這就是在昨日的學校與今後的學校之間,最大的一項區別。
最重要的,今後的學校將教育孩子如何先將他們的「心與靈」連結起來,以及將「心與身」連結起來,最後再教他們體驗自己的「身心靈」的合而為一 (connecting their minds to their souls, connecting their bodies to their minds, and experiencing all three as one)。
「教導創造」的教育 是關於,體驗一切皆為一體,並體驗你自己是個「創造者」。

The emphasis in future schools will not be on getting children to duplicate, but to create.
Duplication is one thing, creation is another.
In the days of the New Spirituality the focus of education will be on creation.
Creation Education, this will be called, and it will be the biggest single difference between yesterday's schools and tomorrow's.
Neale: What will this be like? What will it be about?
It will be about showing young people Who They Really Are. It will be about opening them to the Creator Within. It will be about allowing them to see and to believe in Themselves as the Source of their experience, and the Authority over their lives. It will be about returning them to their own inner wisdom, and encouraging them to fashion their own innermost truth. It will be about showing them, specifically, how to do this.
It will be different from the "old school" because it will be about awakening children's minds, not deadening them, freeing children's minds, not shackling them, opening children's minds, not closing them.
It will be about expanding their minds, not contracting them, releasing their minds, not imprisoning them.
It will be, most important, about connecting their minds to their souls, connecting their bodies to their minds, and experiencing all three as one.
And, ultimately, about experiencing everything as one.
Creation Education will be about experiencing everything as One, and your Self as the Creator.
This is not something that is currently taught in many schools.