
真相和神都在同一個地方被發現:在靜默中(Truth and God are found in the same place: in the silence.)。當你找到了神,當你找到了真相(真理),你不需要解說或說服。它是不證自明(self-evident)的。

你們在教導的,即是你們選擇要學習的(You teach what you choose to learn.)。而沒錯,這本書是在談關於我的事,也是在談關於生命、人生與生活的事,使得這本書在這些方面成為了一個非常好的案例。你之所以會寫作這本書,是因為你仍在尋找。
摘自《與神對話 II》第19章

Truth and God are found in the same place: in the silence. When you have found God, and when you have found truth, it is not necessary to talk about it. It is self-evident.
If you are talking a lot about God, it is probably because you are still searching. That's okay. That's alright. Just know where you are.
Neale: But teachers talk about God all the time. That's all we talk about in this book.
You teach what you choose to learn. And yes, this book does speak about Me, as well as about life, which makes this book a very good case in point You have engaged yourself in writing this book because you are still searching.
Neale: Yes.
Indeed. And the same is true of those who are reading it.
But we were on the subject of creation.