
自由並不是某種別人給你的東西。自由是「你是誰」的本質 (Freedom is not something that others give you. Freedom is the essence of Who You Are.)。

但當然,愛是被表達出來的自由 (Love is Freedom, expressed.)。自由是表達出來的愛。而愛自由地表達便是神之所是!(Love expressed Freely is what God is!)
你看明白此畫面了嗎?它們全都是同一回事。你們只是對那「唯一一體的東西」(the One Thing There Is)給予不同的名稱罷了。
摘自《與神對話 青春版》第8章
Freedom is not something that others give you. Freedom is the essence of Who You Are.
The words Freedom and God are interchangeable. God is Freedom. Freedom is God.
Your soul is an individualized aspect of divinity. It is the essence of who you are. If your soul could be described by a feeling, it would be Freedom.
And also, Love.
But Love, of course, is Freedom, expressed. And Freedom is Love expressed. And Love expressed Freely is what God is!
Are you seeing the picture here? It's all the Same Thing. You are simply giving different names to the One Thing there is.