你相信一位「給予人類自由意志卻又會對人類進行報復」的神嗎?如果把那些地球脈動所產生的地震天災、洪水乾旱等現象視為神的報復行為,或稱那些是神不需負責的自然法則(Natural Laws),但又是誰定下這些自然法則的呢?
如果我們同意那必然是神定下的法則,那神會那麼無聊或無能地定出〝能被人破壞〞的法則嗎?讓我們來正視一些「神學所教導關於神」的觀念與邏輯,也繼續檢視【完整了解「希特勒為何上天堂?」系列摘文】- 4/10:



但又是誰定下這些自然法則(Natural Laws)呢?如果說我們可以同意必然是我(神)定下的,那我幹嘛要定一種能被你們破壞的法則呢?
你沒有看出來嗎?唯一能使你們的神學合理的方式,就是使得我無能(the only way you can rationalize your theology is to render Me powerless)。你是否裡看出,唯一讓你們神學的想法模式顯得合理的方法,就是讓我的顯得不合理?
人生的一切都依「你們視為人生的目的為何」而定(everything depends on what you perceive to be the purpose of life)——因而,神學的基礎亦然。

我告訴你們:人生的目的不是為了取悅神。人生的目的是去了解、去重新創造「你是誰」。 (the purpose of life is not to please God. The purpose of life is to know, and to recreate, Who You Are.)
摘自《與神對話 II》第3章

Now how do you think he could do that if My Will is all powerful?
Neale: You allowed him to.
If I allowed him to, then it was My Will that he should.
Neale: It would seem that way… but what possible reason could You have? No. It was Your Will that he have Free Choice. It was his will that he do what he did.
You're so close on this. So close.
You're right, of course. It was My Will that Hitler—that all of you—have Free Choice. But it is not My Will that you be punished unceasingly, unendingly, if you do not make the choice I want you to make. If that were the case, how "free" have I made your choice? Are you really free to do what you want if you know you'll be made to suffer unspeakably if you do not do what I want? What kind of choice is that?
Neale: It isn't a question of punishment. It's just Natural Law. It's simply a question of consequences.
I see you've been schooled well in all the theological constructions that allow you to hold Me as a vengeful God— without making Me responsible for it.
But who made these Natural Laws? And if we can agree that I must have put them into place, why would I put into place such laws—then give you the power to overcome them?
If I didn't want you affected by them—if it was My Will that My wonderful beings never should suffer—why would I create the possibility that you could?
And then, why would I continue to tempt you, day and night, to break the laws I've set down?
You don't tempt us. The devil does.
There you go again, making Me not responsible.
Don't you see that the only way you can rationalize your theology is to render Me powerless? Do you understand that the only way your constructions make sense is if Mine don't?
Are you really comfortable with the idea of a God who creates a being whose actions it cannot control?
Neale: You call our theologies insane—but how can any theology work without a system of Reward and Punishment?
Everything depends on what you perceive to be the purpose of life—and therefore the basis of the theology. If you believe life exists as a test, a trial, a period of putting you through your paces to see if you are "worthy," your theologies begin to make sense.
If you believe that life exists as an opportunity, a process through which you discover—remember—that you are worthy (and have always been), then your theologies seem insane.
If you believe God is an ego-filled God who requires attention, adoration, appreciation, and affection—and will kill to get it—your theologies start to hold together.
If you believe that God is without ego or need, but the source of all things, and the seat of all wisdom and love, then your theologies fall apart.
If you believe that God is a vengeful God, jealous in His love and wrathful in His anger, then your theologies are perfect.
If you believe God is a peaceful God, joyous in Her love and passionate in Her ecstasy, then your theologies are useless.
I tell you this: the purpose of life is not to please God. The purpose of life is to know, and to recreate, Who You Are. In so doing you do please God, and glorify Her as well.