所有苦行修練的人可以參考一下,或來共同檢視一下神在此所提供和提醒我們的這個觀點。祂說:要成為神聖(holy)的第一步,是要先成爲一個整體健全的人(whole being)——那不是也不需要去棄絕或否定某個神創造人的天性、本能或面向。例如,過度的禁慾、承受肉體的痛苦等。

聽神談【關於「性」與「棄絕禁慾 」】-1/2 篇
在演化過程的某處,他們創造了這樣的想法:對世俗事物的激情會剝奪掉他們在天國的事物。因此,他們擁抱了「棄絕禁慾」(renunciation)爲一種「靈性的修練」。(這是一種否定自己在世上的樂趣,以便集中在「真正」 重要的東西上——有些人說,那是與在此的快樂完全無關的,而是賺取天堂的快樂——或如有些東方神秘主義者塑造的,變成「開悟」的修練法。)

你無法棄絕「你是誰」而成爲「你是誰」。成為神聖的第一步,就是成爲整體健全的人。(The first step in being holy is being whole.)
(註:此即與神對話信息一再提及的「全人生活」,意思是,像個整體生命存在體[whole being]般地過生活。「全人生活」是一個健全的人[whole person]的生活。它是身—心—靈三面向都同樣地被重視的生活[body—mind and spirit living]。可參閱《與神對話青春版》第11章,或http://www.igod.tw/node/2511)
Somewhere along the way, many humans convinced themselves that most anything "good" is "bad" for them, and that it is in combating their desires, and denying them, that they please God.
Somewhere along the way, they created the idea that passion for earthly things denies them heavenly things. And so they embraced renunciation as a spiritual practice. (This is the practice of denying oneself earthly pleasures in order to concentrate on what is "really" important—which some said had nothing to do with being happy here, but, rather, earning happiness in heaven—or, as some Eastern mystics shaped it, becoming "enlightened.")
Neale: Renunciation is not a good practice?
You cannot renounce Who You Are in order to BE Who You Are. The first step in being holy is being whole.
Remember that always: The first step in being holy is being whole.