人類推論說:如果受造物與造物主是分離的,而如果造物主容許受造物為所欲為,那麼受造物就有可能去做一些造物主不想要他們去做的事。而在這種情況下, 造物主的意願(the Will of the Creator)可能會受挫。神就可能想要某些事物而無法達成。
「分離」產生了失敗的可能性,而「失敗」只有當「需要」存在時才有可能。一個幻覺依賴著另一個幻覺 。
這前三個幻覺是最具決定性的 (most crucial) 。這三個 幻覺 是如此重大,對其餘的幻覺 是如此具關鍵性, 因此就有「分離的文化故事」的產生,以便解釋它們,並確保它們能很清楚且時常 地被解說。
在亞當和夏娃的故事裡,很多人相信,因為夏娃偷食了禁果,我處罰這第一個男人和第一個女人,將他們逐出了伊甸園。還有(如果你相信這件事的話)我也處罰了之後所有活著的男女,讓他們背負著 「 第一對人類的罪疚 」, 也宣判了他們在地球上的人生永遠與我分離。

經由這個及其他同樣華麗的故事,前三個幻覺 都是以孩子們尤其難忘的戲劇性方式,被流傳了下來。這些故事非常成功地在孩子們的心中注入了恐懼,以至在每個新的世代,它們都不斷地被覆述。故此,這前三個幻覺深深地嵌入了人類的心靈:
1. 神是有議程的。(需求是存在的 Need Exists)
2. 人生的結果是不確定的。(失敗是存在的 Failure Exists)
3. 你與神是分離的。(分離是存在的 Disunity Exists)
Your species reasoned that if creations were separate from the Creator, and if the Creator allowed the creations to do whatever they pleased, it would then be possible for the creations to do something that the Creator did not want them to do. Under these circumstances, the Will of the Creator could be thwarted. God could want something but not get it.
Disunity produces the possibility of Failure, and Failure is only possible if Need exists. One illusion depends upon another.
The first three illusions are the most crucial. So important are these illusions, so key are they in supporting the rest, that separate cultural stories were assigned to them in order to explain them, and to assure that they would be explained, clearly and often.
Each of your cultures created its own special story, but all of them made the same basic points, each in their own way. One of the most famous is the story of Adam and Eve.
It is said that the first man and the first woman were created by God and lived happily in the Garden of Eden, or Paradise. There they enjoyed eternal life and communion with the Divine. In exchange for this gift of Life idyllic, God is said to have required only one thing. Do not, He commanded, eat of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Through this and other equally colorful stories, the first three illusions were conveyed in a dramatic fashion that children, in particular, would not soon forget. So successful were these stories in injecting fear into the hearts of children that they were repeated over and over to each new generation. Thus the first three illusions were deeply imbedded in the human psyche:
God has an agenda. (Need Exists)
The outcome of life is in doubt. (Failure Exists)
You are separate from God. (Disunity Exists)
While the idea that Need and Failure exists is crucial to the rest of the Illusions, the idea that Disunity Exists has the most impact on human affairs.