聽神談【重新定義「富裕」】Redefine Wealth
如果人們能取得和使用(access to, and use of)他們覺得他們需要的東西,
這是社會未來將盛行的觀念(This is what the future holds.)。
If people have access to, and use of, the things they feel they need, they can live their lives very happily. And, in the end, that is wealth.
It feels like the essence of the statement, "Live simply, so that others may simply live."
Okay, so the New Spirituality will shift humanity from an everyone-for- themselves model to what Reed calls a highest-good-for-all-model, out of the foundational thought that we are all one. It will cause us to do business for a whole new reason—not to create "profit," but to create "wealth"—and it will also cause us to redefine "wealth."
Yes, this is what the future holds.