關於【喜悅 與 悲傷】
尼爾:我有點不解。如果一樣東西是「這樣」, 那它怎麼可能是「 另一樣」?一樣東西怎麼會 是冷的,如果 它的本質是熱的?如果靈魂的本質(essence)是喜悅,它怎麼 會 悲傷呢 ?
你誤解了宇宙的自然本質(nature) 。你仍將事情看成是分開的。
宇宙裡沒有 任何 東西是與其他東西分開的。
所以,熱和冷是「 不同程度的 相同東西 」(same thing in varying degrees) 。
「喜悅沒被完全的表達」就是 你們稱為 「悲傷」 的感覺。
Neale: I'm confused. How can a thing be one thing if it is another? How can a thing be cold if its essence is that which is hot? How can the soul be sad if its essence is joy?
You misunderstand the nature of the universe. You are still seeing things as separate. Hot and cold are not separate from each other. Nothing is. There is nothing in the Universe that is separate from anything else. Hot and cold are, therefore, the same thing in varying degrees.
So, too, are sadness and joy.
Sadness and joy are just two names. They are words we have used to describe different levels of the same energy.
And that is why these two feelings can be experienced in the same moment.