「痛苦」是一種人們因對於「生命如何運作、人生的運作真相(what is so)」有不正確或不完整的了解,而產生之認知與想法的結果。當我們願意去了解和體驗的生活智慧越多時,痛苦煩惱自然就越少。不妨聽神談【關於「痛苦」】:

(Nothing is painful in and of itself.)
(Pain is a result of wrong thought. It is an error in thinking.)
(Pain results from a judgment you have made about a thing.)
判斷往往建立在先前的經驗上。你對一件事的想法,出自你對那件事先前的觀念。你先前的觀念是一個更先前的觀念所產生的結果——而那觀念又來自另一個更先前的觀念,像積木一樣,向前回溯,直到我所謂「第一個思維」的鏡廳(all the way back in the hall of mirrors to what I call first thought)。
所有的思維都是具創造性的,而並沒有一個思維比「原始思維」(original thought)更強大。那就是為什麼有時候它也被稱為「原罪」(original sin)。
原罪就是「當你對一個事物的第一個思維是錯誤的」(Original sin is when your first thought about a thing is in error.)。那個錯誤會在你產生第二個或第三個思維時,隨之變本加厲。聖靈的工作(job of the Holy Spirit)就是啟發你新的理解,使你能從你(認知與想法)的錯誤中解脫出來。
摘自《與神對話 I 》第1章

Nothing is painful in and of itself.
Pain is a result of wrong thought. It is an error in thinking.
A Master can disappear the most grievous pain. In this way, the Master heals.
Pain results from a judgment you have made about a thing. Remove the judgment and the pain disappears.
Judgment is often based upon previous experience. Your idea about a thing derives from a prior idea about that thing. Your prior idea results from a still prior idea—and that idea from another, and so forth, like building blocks, until you get all the way back in the hall of mirrors to what I call first thought.
All thought is creative, and no thought is more powerful than original thought. That is why this is sometimes also called original sin.
Original sin is when your first thought about a thing is in error.
That error is compounded many times over when you have a second or third thought about a thing. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to inspire you to new understandings, which can free you from your mistakes.