
瀏覽人數 697
在靜定中,你將找到你的真實生命存在(true being)。在寂靜中,你會聽到你的靈魂——及神——的呼吸。
我告訴過你們許多次,在此我要再告訴你:在靜定中你們會找到我(You will find Me in the stillness.)
每天靜觀(Meditate every day.)。問自己:你可以每天早晚各給神十五分鐘嗎?
然而,要脫離那幻覺——永遠不會太遲——看見它如它本是的樣子,並利用它來讓自己體驗「你真正是誰的終極實相」(use it to allow yourself to experience the Ultimate Reality of Who You Really Are.)
It is not the Illusions themselves that crumble, but the constructions they support. That is, the cultural stories upon which you have built your life. These stories have all been myths—from the story of what you imagine it takes to make your life work right here and right now, to the story of how you imagine that it all began— having nothing to do with Ultimate Reality.
For you to advance now in your evolution as a species, there must be a disconnect from these stories. And disconnection can be accomplished in a number of ways. The most effective of these is stillness.
In the stillness, you will find your true being. In the silence you will hear the breathing of your soul—and of God.
I have told you many times, and I tell you here again: You will find Me in the stillness. Meditate every day. Ask yourself: Can you give fifteen minutes each morning and fifteen minutes each evening to God?
If you cannot, if you do not have the time, if your schedule is too busy, if there is just too  much else that you have to do, then you have been caught up in the Maya, in the Illusion, more deeply than even you may have thought.
Yet it is not too late—it is never too late—to step away from the Illusion, see it for what it is, and use it to allow yourself to experience the Ultimate Reality of Who You Really Are.
Begin by setting aside a tiny percentage of your waking hours each day—that is all it will take—to commune once more with Me.
I am calling you into communion with God. I am inviting you to experience your meeting with the Creator.


尼爾:我該如何走入內心?該如何認識那個不再需要外在任何東西的我自己?只要靜定下來。在定靜中與你真正的自己同在。(... 更多
需求是不存在的。它是一種虛構的想像。事實上,你們並不需要任何東西才能快樂。快樂是一種心智(mind)的狀態。但這不是早期的人類能夠理解的。由於他們覺得「... 更多
覺知是一種 「你們可以選擇讓自己生活在其中」的 being(存在) 狀態。它意謂著對 此刻的 覺醒。它是關於對真相是什麼(what is so)以及為什麼;... 更多
你們所謂的靜觀或冥想(meditation)只不過是「與你真正的自己在一起」——由此,而最終,成為你真正的自己(ultimately, being your... 更多