這對話的目的之一就是幫你接觸你物質人生的神聖面,和幫助你瞭解:存在於肉體中的生命,是一個無以言喻的巨大禮物(life in the body is a gift of unspeakalbe proportions)。

可以從了解自殺者一切安好來獲得安慰。他們很好。他們被神愛著,神從來沒有遺棄他們。他們只是沒有完成他們原本打算去做的事(not have achieved what they set out to do)。對所有關心和考慮想自殺者的人來說,理解這一點非常重要。

為了逃避某些情境而結束自己的生命,並無法帶來任何解脫。 要知道,如果你以為結束自己的生命可以逃避什麼,我再說一遍,你只是企圖在做一件你根本無法做成的事。
Two conditions must exist in order to classify a death as a suicide.
1. You must be aware of what you are doing--that is, you must be making a conscious choice to die.
2. You must be making the choice to die for the purpose of escaping, rather than completing, your life.
One purpose of this conversation is to help you get in touch with the sacredness of your physical life; to assist you in coming to understand that life in the body is a gift of unspeakable proportions.
I said earlier that death is a powerful moment of creation, and it is. But it is designed for going TO something, not for escaping FROM something.
Neale: There's so much pain attached to suicide that I almost didn't want to bring this subject up. That pain is felt first, of course, by the person going through the turmoil that led to the decision to end his or her life, and then by the family of that person. Can there be any place of comfort in all of this--for anyone?
Comfort may come from knowing that the person who has committed suicide is all right. They are okay. They are loved and they are never forsaken by God. They will simply not have achieved what they set out to do. That is important for anyone who is contemplating suicide to understand.
Neale: Are you saying that those who commit suicide are not punished in any way?
There is no such thing as "punishment" in what you call the Afterlife. It is those who are left behind who are punished. They experience an incredible shock, from which some never fully recover. All of them feel an enormous loss. Many spend the rest of their lives blaming themselves.
They wonder what they did wrong, they agonize over what they could have said that might have changed things.
The sad thing is that those who end their own life imagine that they are going to change things, and they are not.
Ending your life in order to escape something does not create a situation in which you escape anything. If you are thinking of ending your life in order to avoid something, you should know, I say again, that you are contemplating something that you cannot do.
A wish to avoid that which is painful is normal. It is all part of the human dance. However, in this particular self or himself away from something that the soul has come to the body to experience, not to escape.
You will face your creations wherever you go, and you cannot escape them--nor do you wish to, because you have created your creations in order to recreate yourself.