神說:只要動機是純正的 ,意圖是良善的,表達「純粹且真實的愛」並 沒有哪一種形式,也沒有任何一種方式,是不適當的。
尼爾:你可不可以談一些「對同性戀者的暴力、刻毒言行 和歧視」的看法,以終止這些爭議 呢?而其中有那麼多是以你 之名在 做的,有那麼多據說是 用你的教誨和律法予以合理化的。
表達「純粹且真實的愛」並 沒有哪一種形式,也沒有任何一種方式 ,是不適當的。
There is no form and there is no manner in which the expression of love that is pure and true is inappropriate.
我無法更清楚明白地表達這一點 了。
Neale: Won't You say something to end, once and for all, the violence and cruelty and discrimination against gay men and women? So much of it is done in Your name. So much of it is said to be justified by Your teaching, and Your law.
I have said before, and I will say again:
There is no form and there is no manner in which the expression of love that is pure and true is inappropriate.
I cannot be more unequivocal than that.