
瀏覽人數 606
所有的東西全是同一個,並沒有其他的東西。「我們都是一體的。」不止是個美麗的口號,也是一個對「終極實相的本質」之精確描述(a precise description of the nature of Ultimate Reality)
這份能深人凝視生命的增強能力,使得你能略過幻覺而認清(recognize)——「再次認識」、再認知(”know again”, to re-cognize)——你的實相。就是藉由這個過程,你記起你「真正是誰」。
「我們的方法並不是一種較好的方法,我們的只是另一種方法。」(”Ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way.”)
「我內在的神尊敬並榮耀你內在的神。」(God in me honors God in you.)
But you can undo all of this right now. Simply see the Illusions for what they are—realities contrived for a purpose— and then stop living them as if they were real.
In particular stop living The Ninth Illusion with such conviction. Indeed, use the illusion to notice that Superiority is not real. There can be no such thing as Superiority when We Are All One. A thing cannot be superior to itself.
All things are One Thing, and there is nothing else. "We Are All One" is more than a beautiful slogan. It is a precise description of the nature of Ultimate Reality. When you understand this, you begin experiencing life—and treating each other—in a new way. You see the relationship of all things differently. You notice the connectedness at a much higher level. Your  awareness is expanded, your insight becomes very keen. You, quite literally, see in.
This increased ability to peer deeply into life allows you to look past the Illusion and to recognize—to "know again," to re-cognize—your reality. It is by this process that you remember Who You Really Are.
This movement, from not knowing to knowing again, may be made slowly. The journey may be undertaken in small steps. Small steps can produce large advances. Always remember that.
One such small step would be to put an end to better.
The idea of Superiority is the most seductive idea ever visited upon the human race. It can turn the heart to stone, change warm to cold, yes to no, in an instant.
A single sentence, uttered from your pulpits, lecterns, and rostrums, by your national congresses and your world summit leaders, could change everything.
"Ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way."
This humble utterance could begin to heal the divisions between your religions, close the gap between your political parties, curb the conflicts between your nations.
With one word you could end them.
God in me honors God in you.


並沒有較「優越」這一回事。(There is no such thing as Superiority.)是你們把它捏造出來的。(You have made it... 更多
如果你與某樣東西結合在一起很長的時間,在某些時候,你根本就不會注意到還有一個「你」。「你」是個分別的存在體的觀念,會逐漸消失。... 更多
「優越」是存在的觀念源自:人們認為,如果「有條件」是存在的,那麼要享受與創造一個人渴望的人生及來生,他們就必須要知道那些條件。這樣的結論難免會像這樣:那些知道條件的人比不知道的人「較為優越」。... 更多